Back from a crappy date

Ahhh, a Lost fan? Awesome. You instantly went up in my books! Having been on many disastrous dates myself, what went wrong?
This is the most cliche answer in that situation but the biggest reason a guy does that is because they are really nervous at trying to impress the girl or very insecure with themselves at what they've accomplished in life.

(This is 7 years of Psych degrees talking, oh look, see I'm even doing it!)


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Just a self-focused jackass. Loved to her himself talk.....blah, blah, blah

That's so interesting. Please continue.

(See what I did there. I'm listening. Girls love that.)
See that could have been cool if he'd opened with a good lawyer joke, but then I think people show always be able to make fun of themselves.


Hiliary 2020
don't feel to bad, plenty of fish in the sea.
for example

the last date i had was with this girl named sandy.
i took her to this real dive for a few sex on the beach's.

her boyfriend gil showed up, big guy covered in mussels.
he used to play for the dolphins, now he play bass in a band.
when he saw me he got pretty crabby, actually steamed.
he called me a shrimp, I told him to clam up but he wouldn't so i nailed him with a sucker punch flat as a mackeral

it was a fluke but it did the job.
now here i am in my pineapple, i mean house drinking like a.........
but dont worry much about that guy tonight, he seems really shellfish.

truth is i had plans to see a chica tonight, but the water company shut off the water in the whole neighborhood so we postponed until tomorrow.
3rd world country bullshit.
so here i am filthy, stinkin , pissed off and writing fish stories on the internet.