Bachelor Parties.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
When my brother got married a couple of years ago, I had him and some of our buddies down to my house for his bachelor party. We started off at a pub that brews its own beer and also has the best pizza in town, by far. Then we drove to downtown Louisville to hit up 4th street. We partied it up at several bars, hit the dance floor, nearly had a couple fights, and rode a mechanical bull. There was also a bachelorette party going on and the girl had taken one of those candy necklaces and put it around her upper thigh. We all took turns biting the candy off her leg. Damn, she was hot.

After we were pretty tanked, we got a cab to a fully nude strip nude club. We all got some dances, sat on perv row, and slammed some beer. When they closed for the night, we went back to my apartment, drank some more, and played Super Tecmo Bowl until everyone passed out. Great night.

His fiancé didn't mind the strip club because it was understood that it was probably the last time he'd ever go. And as far as she knows, that was the last time. :D

At least your brother got married a few years ago when actual strip clubs were still legal in Louisville.. Not anymore, now they all have to be "Bikini Bars"
But on the bright side you can usually find plenty of drunk girls who are willing to take their top off on 4th st :D lol

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
At least your brother got married a few years ago when actual strip clubs were still legal in Louisville.. Not anymore, now they all have to be "Bikini Bars"
But on the bright side you can usually find plenty of drunk girls who are willing to take their top off on 4th st :D lol
Wait, wait, wait... so Trixie's in Louisville isn't fully nude anymore? :eek:

That place was top five in terms of strip clubs. I'm stunned. Even though I don't live in that area anymore, we were still planning a return trip down there for another buddy's bachelor party. It would have been well worth the two and a half hour drive if the girls were still as smokin' hot as they used to be. But if they're clothed now... fuck that.

I think you just ruined my day. :(

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
Wait, wait, wait... so Trixie's in Louisville isn't fully nude anymore? :eek:

That place was top five in terms of strip clubs. I'm stunned. We were planning a return trip down there for another buddy's bachelor party even though I don't live in that area anymore. It would have been well worth the two and a half hour drive if the girls were still as smokin' hot as they used to be. But if they're clothed now... fuck that.

I think you just ruined my day. :(

:( sorry andronicus,

I didn't like it either though! I'm moving back to Louisville in 3 weeks and I'm coming from Vegas! That's going to be an adjustment.. No more 6 am alcohol runs, no more "were bored so let's go to the stripclub" nights & no more slutty outfits being acceptable to wear in public anymore! :(


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I remember there was this bachelor party I went to at a fancy hotel, I was there with a bunch of high school buddies. Like this little short guy with glasses and a bushy mustache, who would be providing us hookers. That blonde dude who would later become the American Ninja, Rudi was there he was this mechanic dude that once drank a can of quaker state thinking it was a beer. Oh our good friend Brad flew in, he was high and depressed from his divorce. Oh yeah Adrian Zahmed with his camera and the marrying man was that dude from tv's Bosom Buddies...No not Peter Scolari, what's his name the one with the bushy white guy fro. Anyway he was going to marry the chick that danced on cars for that band White Snake. So we first watched porn, then one of the girls from the bachelorette party spliced the films. So we got one up on them by making Nick the Dick put his cock in a hot dog bun so that the brides mom would have more than a foot long. Anyway we came back to the hotel after that little joke, and glory be short bushy mustache guy who likes trannies by the way had a shit load of hookers for us. Then a band showed up, and anyone else that felt like it showed up. Oh yeah there was this dude Cole who was shooting crossbow darts at us...but we fixed his hash by stripping him naked and wrapping him in a bed sheet and hanging him out a window. So anyway the best is yet to come, the bachelor party is jumping and this hot belly dancer chick shows up with a donkey and you know what that means...whoa wait here comes the brides father aka the poor man's Ted Knight. But don't worry the hookers handcuffed him to the bed. Sadly the donkey od'ed, we got raided by the cops, but in the end we hijacked a school bus....That was one of the best bachelor parties I have ever been a part of.
I have quite a few stories....

What I'll say in lieu of spouting off about them's best to keep it tame. Hit the strip clubs in a limo, have a manageable amount of drinks...then let the poor bastard make it to the alter in a state that doesn't ruin his soon to be wife's wedding day and their consummation night.

That is all....:D
i never liked parties though. ever. i always feel like the odd dude out. im so not social.

Don't feel bad about it. You'd rather have sex with one woman than dance around with a whole bunch of them. That sounds pretty damn manly to me.

The bar was underneath another bar. It's a Wednesday so nobody was out. Everything was closed and sucked. After the game ended, everybody mustve went home. Laaaaaame.

Who doesn't like strip clubs?!?!?!? I know it's a rip off, but it's one last celebration. Oh well.

Wait, did you say a gay guy was booming another guy on his lap?

Just feel good that you tried. As far as I'm concerned, he owes you one hell of a bachelor party.

And yeah, he was bouncing him up and down. It was a case of looking to the wrong area at the wrong time, and it had happened to a friend of mine too (who told me it was "the gayest shit" he ever saw).