Babes with the loosest pussies! I like it! Post them

Will E Worm

Actually you've got that completely wrong.. if they've been keeping sexually active. (Most retirement villages.. not so much.)

Old people shrink. In every last way. When you notice your 6'2' grandpa in the nursing home looking 5'10' that's not an illusion. Likewise.. if grandma didnt use her pussy, it's gotten smaller. Tighter. More SEXAH!

I just threw up a little bit........
She don't even need a shoppingbag to go to the store, she just puts it in there ...
There was an old lady who lived in a shoe.
She had so many children she didn't know what to do.
And she could stretch her cunt over a rain barrel too.
Ron J had a line in a flick saying something like, "We have something like this back home. We call it the Lincoln Tunnel" She did not look amused.