Babes with the loosest pussies! I like it! Post them


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I don't know why i am fascinated by loose pussy! whats the loosest out there?:blowjob:

How in the fuck are we supposed to know? :dunno:


Closed Account
Here's what you do pal. RMS is here to solve all your problems. Okay, now you must follow this procedure to find exactly what you are looking for, is that clear? Alrighty then, here we go. Get on Google, or perhaps even Google Maps, and search for Retirement Villages. Then when you find one near you, you find a woman with Alzheimer's and claim to be their long lost lover. Then once you get into her room, you whip it out. Then you say something catchy like "I thought you'd like a taste of my home made sausage" and if she goes for it, then you can find out if she has the loosest pussy out there. If she doesn't then repeat all these steps until you find it. Caution: You Must Stick Your Head Into The Vagina In Order To See The "Loosest Pussy" Label" Inside. When you find number one, you've got a winner.

I, the pussy searcher, am not liable for any jail time you may serve due to following these terms. I am also not liable for the hate mail you will receive everyday until you die. I am not liable in the event that you are put on death row. I am in no way liable for your death or execution. This is simply a means to meet your desires, and any wrong doings done by the client, you, in no way affect my intentions as a poster. In other words, you are fucked if you follow these rules. :D
Spike someones drinking water and they may actually follow you in your abstract normality in proceeding into actually doing something of this nature. But you must post a disclaimer.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Here's what you do pal. RMS is here to solve all your problems. Okay, now you must follow this procedure to find exactly what you are looking for, is that clear? Alrighty then, here we go. Get on Google, or perhaps even Google Maps, and search for Retirement Villages. Then when you find one near you, you find a woman with Alzheimer's and claim to be their long lost lover. Then once you get into her room, you whip it out. Then you say something catchy like "I thought you'd like a taste of my home made sausage" and if she goes for it, then you can find out if she has the loosest pussy out there. If she doesn't then repeat all these steps until you find it. Caution: You Must Stick Your Head Into The Vagina In Order To See The "Loosest Pussy" Label" Inside. When you find number one, you've got a winner.

I, the pussy searcher, am not liable for any jail time you may serve due to following these terms. I am also not liable for the hate mail you will receive everyday until you die. I am not liable in the event that you are put on death row. I am in no way liable for your death or execution. This is simply a means to meet your desires, and any wrong doings done by the client, you, in no way affect my intentions as a poster. In other words, you are fucked if you follow these rules. :D

Actually you've got that completely wrong.. if they've been keeping sexually active. (Most retirement villages.. not so much.)

Old people shrink. In every last way. When you notice your 6'2' grandpa in the nursing home looking 5'10' that's not an illusion. Likewise.. if grandma didnt use her pussy, it's gotten smaller. Tighter. More SEXAH!


Closed Account
Actually you've got that completely wrong.. if they've been keeping sexually active. (Most retirement villages.. not so much.)

Old people shrink. In every last way. When you notice your 6'2' grandpa in the nursing home looking 5'10' that's not an illusion. Likewise.. if grandma didnt use her pussy, it's gotten smaller. Tighter. More SEXAH!

I'm more disturbed by your post than my own...:bawling:
what is that suppose to mean. Find me a circus freak, actually it probably wouldn't be that bad if a woman had a extremely large vagina but she had been doing it for years.

boy would, I like to make some sweet love to her
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Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I'm more disturbed by your post than my own...:bawling:

"What they dont teach you in medical training! (But eventually learn in in your day to day workings with patients/residents/humans)

~By Torre
Torre how do you tell the difference between a patience at a free clinic and a chicken with his head cut off. ??

I need not quote myself.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Torre how do you tell the difference between a patience at a free clinic and a chicken with his head cut off. ??

I need not quote myself.

The look of panic on the face of a patient when they think their crotch is going to rot (sexually transmitted diseases) is slightly more disturbing than the body of a chicken running around making a damned mess. Equally annoying after a while, though.

That's my version of the right answer.
some how I feel obliged and have the urge to say, Back up trick, but that would just be uncalled for. But people usually get transmitted diseases from there friends, I forgot the top ten reasons mentioned.
You know what you have to do, hang around maternity wards. Visit one or two women who have just given birth, preferably the ones who have just been stitched up and then make your move, now I know its going to be tough but you must be persistant:

What was it our parents told us when we were little boys;

"Persistance my son is the only way anything you do in life is going to be finished, you actually think your going to be getting that hot ass when your older without being persistant, HA!Your not that good looking you ugly fucker, persistance is the only way your ever going to get laid, I mean look at me :puts arm around strange asian prostitute that looked after me when I was 5: do you actually think I would be getting so much ass if I wasnt persistant, if you say yes, your even dumber than I think you are, and you look dumb son, dont tell your mother I told you that ;)

Anyway, persistance is the key, now off with you my boy, play your little games with your little friends and soon you will find out how trivial life really is"

So you be persistant my friend because pregnant women, especially those who have just given birth will not be putting out easily, they are tired sweaty, they probably still have some afterbirth caked on there maybe some placenta, how should I know :dunno:

But if you be persistant (Im saying this alot so it will sink in) you my friend will be rolling in all the loose pussy any of us could ever dream of.

So I suppose what im saying to you is life is trivial, and for total clarity and wellness and happiness throughout our entire life, there is only one thing you need to do make those dreams become real, be persistant :D

And if you dont listen to me, all is lost.

Thats all im saying

BlueBalls has spoken!!! Those who choose to listen will be forever gratefull and will join the legion of drones who ave joined me in my crusade, which just to let you all know is in its ginal stages.

Will E Worm

Why would that turn you on? :throwup:

Just ask a girl how many "partners" she has had, then add about ten to what she says.

That should be loose enough for you.
You know what you have to do, hang around maternity wards. Visit one or two women who have just given birth, preferably the ones who have just been stitched up and then make your move, now I know its going to be tough but you must be persistent:

What was it our parents told us when we were little boys;

"Persistence my son is the only way anything you do in life is going to be finished, you actually think your going to be getting that hot ass when your older without being persistent, HA!Your not that good looking you ugly fucker, persistance is the only way your ever going to get laid, I mean look at me :puts arm around strange asian prostitute that looked after me when I was 5: do you actually think I would be getting so much ass if I wasnt persistent, if you say yes, your even dumber than I think you are, and you look dumb son, dont tell your mother I told you that ;)

Anyway, persistence is the key, now off with you my boy, play your little games with your little friends and soon you will find out how trivial life really is"

So you be persistent my friend because pregnant women, especially those who have just given birth will not be putting out easily, they are tired sweaty, they probably still have some afterbirth caked on there maybe some placenta, how should I know :dunno:

But if you be persistent (Im saying this alot so it will sink in) you my friend will be rolling in all the loose pussy any of us could ever dream of.

So I suppose what im saying to you is life is trivial, and for total clarity and wellness and happiness throughout our entire life, there is only one thing you need to do make those dreams become real, be persistent :D

And if you dont listen to me, all is lost.

Thats all im saying

BlueBalls has spoken!!! Those who choose to listen will be forever gratefull and will join the legion of drones who have joined me in my crusade, which just to let you all know is in its final stages.

Sorry many, many typo's :hatsoff: hopefully I got them all :dunno: