Name: Jenna
Age: 18
Height: 5' 02
Employment: Telephone Sales Representative
Pictures: 992 High Resolution Pictures
Pictures: 1 High Definition Hardcore Fuck Video
I am good friends with a girl and her name is Dawn. The way I became a model for Ray's website was through Dawn because she
was telling me the other day about how I should do some nude modeling for Rays site...since she had done it too. Wow! That was
a kicker! I have never thought about doing anything like that before! I mean, I have seen those types of sites on the internet, but
I just never really thought about actually being on one of them! I must say that I did have fun doing the modeling, but it was a bit
awkward. I mean, what the hell? Ray kept asking me to show my butthole! Damn guy, that is supposed to be my PRIVATE part!
That's even more private than my vagina or breasts! I don't know. Ray told me that guys like to look at teen girls buttholes. I think
that is a little bit gross, but I guess a lot of guys like that stuff.
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