Babe Wiki

Could someone please tell me where the babe wiki is located? I have searched teh entire site and can't find a link for it anywhere...thanks in advance
I believe it would be the ABCDEF and so on on the main page!!
I could be wrong though!



Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Could someone please tell me where the babe wiki is located? I have searched teh entire site and can't find a link for it anywhere...thanks in advance

The babe wiki is pretty much what we've termed the biographies of the girls since users can add or correct the info. You can find this by going to any babe's section and clicking on the biography.

And if you're a MyFreeOnes member, make sure you're logged in and you'll get points for approved changes. :)
Hey Petra, how does it take for the changes to be approved? Also how many points do you get per change?
Petra, how many points do I get for approved edits of wikis? Hubby just told me a couple; if I get any then I may see if he knows any more :)


Closed Account
How long does it take. I ain't mad about it, I just wanna know cause I didn't see that response. and really that's the babe wiki, nice.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
It really depends on how much of a queue there is already. We can easy get a few thousand changes overnight so it takes some time to process those. ;-)


Closed Account
How do I recieve the points? I just got two approved babe wikis and I don't see any difference, just curious, thanks.
Babe Wiki - editing problems

This has happened to me a couple of times. I'm adding a place of birth for example and when I try to continue the response is something like - The edit is not approved - hair color. It's happened twice I think.