Hiliary 2020
So last night i was with a girl that I have sex with sometimes.
tiny blonde colombiana with a real killer body and real good in the sack.
She went to take a shower which basically meant she was ready.
While she's in the shower i got a text message from a another girl who i really like and who i also had plans with earlier in the day but she couldn't make it and i was bummed.
In the text she invited me to spend the whole day with her at her family's house in the mountains and the lakes.
really beautiful area
she said let her know tonight because she wants to leave early.
So i responded yes, call me in the morning.
but the message was returned because the cel phone company robbed my minutes again.
So i had no choice but to ask the girl i was with to use her phone which was a touchy situation .
the only problem was her phone sucked, predictive text crap, i just couldnt write the message.
so i had to have her do it.
bad timing because we were just about to fuck.
so she writes the message for me but with periods between every word.
i was like what the hell is this? she won't understand this!
she said thats the way she writes.
so i tried over and over but her phone was just too ridiculously complicated.
and she wouldn't write it again and she wants to fuck.
what could i do?
it sucked.
anyway, after an ugly stuation she finally wrote it for me but she couldnt send it because her phone sucks so bad.
and another 15 minute ordeal that was.
in conclusion she finally got it sent, we had sex, i spent the day with the girl i liked and here i am telling you and i have no idea why.
thank you for your time.
go with Jesus bra.
tiny blonde colombiana with a real killer body and real good in the sack.
She went to take a shower which basically meant she was ready.
While she's in the shower i got a text message from a another girl who i really like and who i also had plans with earlier in the day but she couldn't make it and i was bummed.
In the text she invited me to spend the whole day with her at her family's house in the mountains and the lakes.
really beautiful area
she said let her know tonight because she wants to leave early.
So i responded yes, call me in the morning.
but the message was returned because the cel phone company robbed my minutes again.
So i had no choice but to ask the girl i was with to use her phone which was a touchy situation .
the only problem was her phone sucked, predictive text crap, i just couldnt write the message.
so i had to have her do it.
bad timing because we were just about to fuck.
so she writes the message for me but with periods between every word.
i was like what the hell is this? she won't understand this!
she said thats the way she writes.
so i tried over and over but her phone was just too ridiculously complicated.
and she wouldn't write it again and she wants to fuck.
what could i do?
it sucked.
anyway, after an ugly stuation she finally wrote it for me but she couldnt send it because her phone sucks so bad.
and another 15 minute ordeal that was.
in conclusion she finally got it sent, we had sex, i spent the day with the girl i liked and here i am telling you and i have no idea why.
thank you for your time.
go with Jesus bra.