Average age of gamers.

The average age is 35?? I would have thought younger. There must be a lot of old dudes playing video games to balance out with all the punk ass kids.

I'll be one of those old dudes. I'll never stop playing video games.
The average age is 35?? I would have thought younger. There must be a lot of old dudes playing video games to balance out with all the punk ass kids.

I'll be one of those old dudes. I'll never stop playing video games.

good to hear, i just dont want to be labeled as having no life when im still playing 10 years down the track


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
There are alot more of gamers in their 30's
good to hear, i just dont want to be labeled as having no life when im still playing 10 years down the track

What the fuck are you worried about of what other people have to think about you because you play video games?

Just because you play video games does not make you any different than someone else who happens to go to the mall who spends more money than they should in a store; or go to Best Buy who pays more on movies than they should; or drives around frivolously in their vehicle for no real reason but to drive around and waste gas.

Whoopie-fucking-doo I play a fucking video game!

The minute you feel ashamed of yourself because you do something you like is the very moment you are giving into peer pressure!

Think about it.

Video games are entertainment. Just as movies, just as music, just as reading a book! What the fuck is any different with playing a video game!?


That is that.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Well fucking said Whimster, I'd rep you if I could
What the fuck are you worried about of what other people have to think about you because you play video games?

Just because you play video games does not make you any different than someone else who happens to go to the mall who spends more money than they should in a store; or go to Best Buy who pays more on movies than they should; or drives around frivolously in their vehicle for no real reason but to drive around and waste gas.

Whoopie-fucking-doo I play a fucking video game!

The minute you feel ashamed of yourself because you do something you like is the very moment you are giving into peer pressure!

Think about it.

Video games are entertainment. Just as movies, just as music, just as reading a book! What the fuck is any different with playing a video game!?


That is that.


People who game that are into their 30/40's, its just a hobby, who cares how old you are.

I respect a 30 year old gamer that lives in his mom's basement smelling of rotten pizza way more than I respect a douchebag who goes to the mall and spends 300 dollars on a pair of ripped and faded jeans.

Gaming is just a hobby, hardcore gamers that are kids today are gonna grow up to be your Physicists engineers, doctors, etc.
I think alot of the over 30 gamers play the FPS and MMORPGS. That would make sense why there are so many.

I love it all. LittleBIGplanet to Call of duty, NHL to Granturismo, puzzle games to extreme violence.....if its fun,I'll play it, kids game or not.
What the fuck are you worried about of what other people have to think about you because you play video games?

Just because you play video games does not make you any different than someone else who happens to go to the mall who spends more money than they should in a store; or go to Best Buy who pays more on movies than they should; or drives around frivolously in their vehicle for no real reason but to drive around and waste gas.

Whoopie-fucking-doo I play a fucking video game!

The minute you feel ashamed of yourself because you do something you like is the very moment you are giving into peer pressure!

Think about it.

Video games are entertainment. Just as movies, just as music, just as reading a book! What the fuck is any different with playing a video game!?


That is that.

You are a wise man
I gotta say 33 cutoff point is when I can longer hold the controler. hopefully by then we wont need to hold a controler like in the old PS commerical where they crack open an orb and nanites come out and it flashes PS13
I gotta say 33 cutoff point is when I can longer hold the controler. hopefully by then we wont need to hold a controler like in the old PS commerical where they crack open an orb and nanites come out and it flashes PS13

Never saw that commercial myself, sounds like a good one though. Speaking bout the controllers i hope i don't get arthritis down the track from holding it like 5 hours a day :confused:
The average age is 35?? I would have thought younger. There must be a lot of old dudes playing video games to balance out with all the punk ass kids.

I'll be one of those old dudes. I'll never stop playing video games.

Well one point to consider is think about when the Atari and NES came out. If you were a kid when it came out, absolutely fell in love with gaming, flash forward to today's times, about 25-20 years have passed. They still play games. 7 and 15-year-old kids are now anywhere between 30-35. Now they have games they probably never imagined would be like when NES came out.

It's a great time to be a gamer. Definitely.

It's only getting bigger and the kids today, the ones who respect the games, will grow up and it will be an even bigger industry. Think of the kids who played PS1 and now flash forward to 15 years later. They are in their 20s and 30s now. Same as the kids today.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
It's a great time to be a gamer. Definitely.

Think of the kids who played PS1 and now flash forward to 15 years later. They are in their 20s and 30s now. Same as the kids today.

*Raises hands*


Im 32 most my friends are over 30 , we all have our own homes , cars , kids(I dont have these though thankfully) and we meet up to play Pro - Evo , FIFA , Army of Two , all sorts of games , its fun and theres nothing better than beating your mates at Pro Ev when theres money involved.......

I have been playing consoles since the early 80s , I started of very young and still play often , it beats watching the TV & me and my mates have football nights , everyone throws in £20 each and the winner takes the lot sometimes theres 10 or 12 of us and it goes on forever but its a good laugh and its good to catch up

I thought this was normal as I dont really know anyone who doesnt play games that are around my age

I know just now , I will be gaming to the grave because its fun and an enjoyable thing to do , and for those reasons alone I will be gaming till I die


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
22? Your profile says 32. You're mistaken, the average age of gamers is 30+.
Im 39 years old and my first gaming system was the Atari 2600. Over the years different people have tried to get me into all the different games out there but I usually find them too difficult to play. Just remember, I'm used to a joystick and one button.
Had a friend that raved about World of Warcraft and said I should give it a try, and I told him that most games are too hard for me to play. I saw a commercial for a free trial of Warcraft so I gave it a shot. About 11 hours later I stumbled off to bed.
Being an old Dungeon and Dragons guys I fell in love with WoW. Used to play it an awful lot, but I've since tapered off to only playing a couple of hours a week.
And btw, I'm married and have 2 kids.