I believe that anyone who still refers to them self as a gamer and is over 32 will almost certainly live in mom's basement.
That's entirely contestable, however.
You're right, it is contestable. I'm over 32, have my own apartment and still enjoy videogames. My friend and main ps3 buddy for call of duty etc, is over 32, has his own apartment and still enjoys videogames....
I believe that anyone who still refers to them self as a gamer and is over 32 will almost certainly live in mom's basement.
That's entirely contestable, however.
That whole stereotype of gamers being girlfriendless losers who live in their mother's basements is essentially dead. With so many people growing up playing videogames it's gotten to the point where it'll always be apart of their lives. I mean I grew up on the Nintendo and still casually game and I don't see it stopping, hell when I have kids I'll probably be playing videogames with them and owning their n00b asses at Modern Warfare 8.
As for the question about average age of gamers, it's 35.
That whole stereotype of gamers being girlfriendless losers who live in their mother's basements is essentially dead. With so many people growing up playing videogames it's gotten to the point where it'll always be apart of their lives. I mean I grew up on the Nintendo and still casually game and I don't see it stopping, hell when I have kids I'll probably be playing videogames with them and owning their n00b asses at Modern Warfare 8.
As for the question about average age of gamers, it's 35.
That whole stereotype of gamers being girlfriendless losers who live in their mother's basements is essentially dead. With so many people growing up playing videogames it's gotten to the point where it'll always be apart of their lives. I mean I grew up on the Nintendo and still casually game and I don't see it stopping, hell when I have kids I'll probably be playing videogames with them and owning their n00b asses at Modern Warfare 8.
As for the question about average age of gamers, it's 35.
You're right, it is contestable. I'm over 32, have my own apartment and still enjoy videogames. My friend and main ps3 buddy for call of duty etc, is over 32, has his own apartment and still enjoys videogames....
I'm 18 turning 19 in a few weeks and for the past 6 months, I've rarely played games, I think by the time i'm 25, I'll have stopped completely. Except for the occasional madden or tekken/street fighter game.
Same here. I was 5 when I got my NES. Been gaming ever since, don't plan on ever quitting. No reason to.
I believe that anyone who still refers to them self as a gamer and is over 32 will almost certainly live in mom's basement.
That's entirely contestable, however.
read gaming mags etc until around the end of Playstation 1's life cycle.
I began early with that