Re: Ava Dawn
I don't ask mods to ban people unless they're attacking the girls or posting links to stolen copyrighted files via file sharing sites. Differences of opinions are normal and welcomed. :hatsoff: With that said, Mods make their own decisions and those are based upon FreeOnes rules, not my liking or disliking someone. :2 cents:
I (meaning my opinion) felt posting a link to her MM profile was sort of stalkerish being that it's not on topic, has nothing to do with Ava Dawn (notice the thread topic?). It's clear the person set out into Google to find out more about her and then posted his findings. I understand the curiosity totally, just didn't think her professional work profile had anything to do with the people that frequent this site. Odds of one of these people being a professional out to hire her for their magazine or to rep their product are roughly... 1 in what? 100,000? Odds of the people here looking for nothing but free nude pix though, odds are what? 1 in 1? :rofl:
meh, no worries. It's not like he posted her home address. (yet)
Wow Jamesdot you really don't like it when someone doesn't see things your way do you. You say it's stalking to post a link to a model on her thread even if it's the same model just under another name. Last I knew these forums were set up for that reason. To connect and share about our favorite models. And if they have other names they go by and other work they do some of us might like to see or know about it. And as for the model that you claim to be here for them and standing up for them. But here you are upset that someone found her under another name and putting them down for finding something on a model they like.
To be honest in my opinion you don't like it when a model you have hired an are trying to sell a site for has her past work brought up. Work that you get no profits from. And are worried that any and all atetion to the fact that you weren't the first to find her might steal her away from you. And that's low even for you. We all have had to see post after post from you jumping on your high horse and tell everyone who you don't agree with off and try makeimg them feel dumb and low for what they say and think. To be honest you need to shut up and stay off the forums and let the fans of your models enjoy them not have to be afraid of as well tired of reading more daluted rants from you about someones opinion of them. Your there boss not there knight in shining armor. They knew what that were getting into when they made the choice to start posing for the Internet. Some will like them and some won't.
The point of these forums is to come togethere and share ones love and admerision of there favorite model, actress, porn star, etc. Not for the photographer's and companys to come and trash the fans for not likeing there work. And again no one has said your haven't done a good job by bringing us all some top notch talent. Just back off the ritacule of the fans and leave them be. Some will like Ava, Bryce, and all the rest and some won't but you must let them be free to do so.
And to all the Ava fans I am sorry for my rant takeing use off topic of her work. I look forward tp more from her under any name.
And as it's been said "Opinions are like assholes everyone has one and they all stink."