
I would hate to get rid of it, I've had for years. I've never known of anyone to collect a Hitler autograph.

Hitler singed thousands of documents so his singnature is not a rarity.


Do not be so jealous.

I've got Ginger Lynn's somewhere....and I would love to have Hitlers autograph. I know someone that has one of Jon Wayne Gacy's paintings....or she did, until she died of a heroin overdose.

Murderers and dictators are in a way interesting people, but the actors have done something permanent.

I got Ronnie James to autograph my Heaven and Hell crew shirt after work one night. Next thing I know, 6 months later, he's dead. :(

Murderers and dictators are in a way interesting people, but the actors have done something permanent.

Most people I speak to that have been murdered consider it a pretty permanent effect.

Speaking of dictators, today I passed up the opportunity to buy a watch featuring a likeness of Kim Jong-Il. Instead of a second hand going round and round, his arm was just waving back and forth with every tick-tock. Why the hell did I not buy this offensive piece of tat?
Most people I speak to that have been murdered consider it a pretty permanent effect.

Speaking of dictators, today I passed up the opportunity to buy a watch featuring a likeness of Kim Jong-Il. Instead of a second hand going round and round, his arm was just waving back and forth with every tick-tock. Why the hell did I not buy this offensive piece of tat?

that's total pants!


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Mr. HappyHapyJoyJoy dares to say anything online...

No I don't. I'm incredibly respectful of those who deserve respect. I'm just also more than willing to call an asshole an asshole.

...but in real life he is humble and fearful in front of others.


Well, I have had people call me humble before. Generally speaking people tend to be more fearful of me than the reverse though. Of course, it's generally unwarranted since I'm a rather nice guy. Just, you know, not to people like you. Stop being a trolling douche and act like a normal human being for a while and, who knows, you'd probably even be able to earn some degree of respect from me. I tend to be a forgiving sort.