Attaching pics: no more .. "full screen" option?

I just posted a comment with an attached jpeg .. and all the system allowed me to do was attach the file. "Normally" there are two boxes - you can "just" attach the file "as is," or you could do a .. "full screen" (or something comparable) option.

Was there a change?
Hmmmm - maybe use Cntrl-P?

Jennifer England

jennifer-england-100_naked by pool.jpg


Member, you member...

Hmmm, so it gave me the choice of Thumbnail or Full Image. Guess which I chose.


Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything
When you attach a picture and insert it into your message you can click on the picture and enlarge it to fill the window,and add text if you wish

Here is the same picture of Talia Shepard with its default size and also enlarged:

Default full image:
Default image size

Fully expanded image: