ATF: Skinhead Plot to Assassinate Obama Foiled

"The ATF says it has broken up a plot to assassinate Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and shoot or decapitate 102 black people in a Tennessee murder spree.

In court records unsealed Monday, agents said they disrupted plans to rob a gun store and target an unnamed by predominantly African-American high school by two neo-Nazi skinheads."

"This is a developing story. We will have more details as they become available. "
Developing story eh.

Interesting. As the Bush administration figures out what else they should throw into the plot, news orginizations are on hold for this story because they await the word of their controllers.

But that's not true. Someone really wants to kill Obama and a whole shitload of black people.


Amazing that Bush is an awful president and he's managed to go 8 years on top without getting assassinated. But Obama is probably gonna only last a few weeks because of some dirty racist bastards...
Amazing that Bush is an awful president and he's managed to go 8 years on top without getting assassinated. But Obama is probably gonna only last a few weeks because of some dirty racist bastards...

These days they are really only that vunerable at times like this when they are on the campaign trail.As a sitting President they really don't mix in crowds.And any event they go to everyone is well screened.No that long ago Bush came for a fund raiser very close to me.I went down to help out with the protest and we were not allowed to be anywhere near where he was going.His motorcade passed about a hundred yards from us was as close as we ever got.After next week Obama will be relatively much safer.
Its a disgrace that in the 21st century there are still people living who feel that a black person is in some way a lower class of human being and has no right to run the country. I bet if you ever met these people they wouldnt even be able to put together one concious thought between them.

These days they are really only that vunerable at times like this when they are on the campaign trail.As a sitting President they really don't mix in crowds.And any event they go to everyone is well screened.No that long ago Bush came for a fund raiser very close to me.I went down to help out with the protest and we were not allowed to be anywhere near where he was going.His motorcade passed about a hundred yards from us was as close as we ever got.After next week Obama will be relatively much safer.

Just asking? But if you were close enough, would anything have happened?


^ I remember being outside the White House when Bill Clinton was prez. He came out to walk his dog and out of the bushes came a lot of heavily armed guards pointing their guns at us. Shit me up, I was only 10.

But that would of been a great time if an assassin just happened to be strolling past the fence. You probably can't get any where near it now.
^ I remember being outside the White House when Bill Clinton was prez. He came out to walk his dog and out of the bushes came a lot of heavily armed guards pointing their guns at us. Shit me up, I was only 10.

But that would of been a great time if an assassin just happened to be strolling past the fence. You probably can't get any where near it now.

Reach very slowly into your jacket, hold it there, look around slowly then stare..........and then get a bullet right between the eyes :D
Its a disgrace that in the 21st century there are still people living who feel that a black person is in some way a lower class of human being and has no right to run the country. I bet if you ever met these people they wouldnt even be able to put together one concious thought between them.

Just asking? But if you were close enough, would anything have happened?

I agree so much with that comment....its unfortunate that if he does win...I can see assassination attempts and racist remakes happening much more often....:(

i'm glad they prevented this one.....
Its a disgrace that in the 21st century there are still people living who feel that a black person is in some way a lower class of human being and has no right to run the country. I bet if you ever met these people they wouldnt even be able to put together one concious thought between them.

Just asking? But if you were close enough, would anything have happened?
What you have in mind? Truth is just even a mention of what you have in mind may get you in hot water.Loose lips and all that lol.

^ I remember being outside the White House when Bill Clinton was prez. He came out to walk his dog and out of the bushes came a lot of heavily armed guards pointing their guns at us. Shit me up, I was only 10.

But that would of been a great time if an assassin just happened to be strolling past the fence. You probably can't get any where near it now.
Since 9/11 Pennsylvania Ave has been barricaded and you can't drive on it anymore.Some whack was able to get close enough to jump the fence a while back boy were they on him quick lol.Your not getting close to him.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Reach very slowly into your jacket, hold it there, look around slowly then stare..........and then get a bullet right between the eyes :D

I like to find out where important political figures will be appearing and then show up with black army boots, sunglasses and a bunch of duffel bags.
You better fucking pray that no one assassinates Obama unless you want this country to go to shit with another civil war. That I can guarantee you.

:2 cents:
I don't buy it. sounds fake to me. like the girl who cried wolf, I mean cried angry black man obama supportor.

How come they always foil these "plots" by politically motivated "terrorists"? they can never stop anyone else from doing it just for the hell of it. if you want someone dead you go shoot them. how much plotting do you need, how many people do you have to talk to? did they blog about it on their facebook?


You better fucking pray that no one assassinates Obama unless you want this country to go to shit with another civil war. That I can guarantee you.

:2 cents:

Really? I don't think America is capable of another civil war.
I think that americans are a bunch of ignorant pussies and they aren't going to do shit. sorry. If they wanted to they could already do anything that they wanted just by means of popular numbers, without having to resort to violence. they could elect anyone that they wanted to and not vote for the two political parties, but everyone just does what they are told. Look at 9/11, everyone just said, yes master Bush we will do anything you say, let's go to war instantly with no proof and here's my constitutional rights on a silver platter to dump into the fire place, just because you say so that terrorists are going to destroy America tomorrow.


what the fuck you lookin at?
lol, he's not even president and already people are plotting to kill him. Ah...this could be intersting!