At what point do you become a porn addict??

Tough to say. This gets at the definition of an "addiction," which isn't all that clear cut to begin with. Many doctors will tell you, for example, that there's no such thing as a "psychological addiction," only a "psychological dependency," since "addiction" by definition requires physical dependency. I'll ignore that argument for the moment.

Here are a few indicators I would look for:

1. Withdrawal: Going without porn causes a significant alteration of your mood, concentration, or physical health (i.e. loss of appetite, lethargy, headaches, etc)

2. Dependency: You must watch or think about porn in order to engage in any sexual activity.

3. Actualization: Your sexual behavior changes to mimic that of porn and/or you begin to carry out pornographic scenarios in real life without prior intent.

These are three big ones that I suspect would separate an "addict" from just the general male population that really, really likes porn.
Porn addiction? There is no such thing as a porn addiction. It's not like a smoking addiction or anything like that. People that give you that bullshit are just as normal as you. How do you decide what's normal? You can't.
When I liked the sight of big, round boobies!
Porn addiction? There is no such thing as a porn addiction. It's not like a smoking addiction or anything like that. People that give you that bullshit are just as normal as you. How do you decide what's normal? You can't.

That's not true. There are plenty of people out there that neglect their families, their jobs, their very life just to look at porn all the time. Doesn't matter where it is whether it's at home, work, a sex shop, or a strip club. They will even go out and start picking up prostitutes on a regular basis. Porn can become an addiction. Just like video games, cigarettes, alcohol or anything else. Just because you're not addicted doesn't mean that someone else can't become addicted.
That's not true. There are plenty of people out there that neglect their families, their jobs, their very life just to look at porn all the time. Doesn't matter where it is whether it's at home, work, a sex shop, or a strip club. They will even go out and start picking up prostitutes on a regular basis. Porn can become an addiction. Just like video games, cigarettes, alcohol or anything else. Just because you're not addicted doesn't mean that someone else can't become addicted.

That is abosolutely true. Many families in the world are torn apart due to porn addiction.
I became an addict the day I discovered my Dads secret stash!!


Ever since I started hating real people. I'd rather watch porn than interact with any people, I just hate people in general, they are really overrated... All people: men and women. I don't want to interact with anyone let alone have sex with anyone. I just want to be left alone.

I like "internet people" though and "message board people", I just hate real life people.