Asking a bunch of people on a porn board whether and/or when the government should allow people to view porn is like asking a drunk teenager when the government should allow them to buy as much Jack Daniels as they want. The only answer you'll get is a self serving one.
Boys should not be ALLOWED to watch/have porn until 18. If they want it any younger they have to figure out how to get it themselves w/out mom and dad finding out. This methods teaches creativitly, self reliance, etc.
Well arent you Mister Happy.
If it'll be done regardless of a legal age, might as well lower the legal age. There are plenty of people who dont drink much their whole lives, and there are people who've downed a few bottles at 14. But porn tends to be something everybody just *finds* in an old drawer/basement/attic and staring at a page is about as much education as most of the guys in my school days had.
I'm not Mister happy, I'm Mister "think outside the experiences of a porn viewer".
Your statement is a prime example of this. Just because porn tends to be something that everyone found in the bottom of drawers and was as much an education about sex that you and your friends had, doesn't mean that this is the norm for all, or even the majority of people. So your view is skewered by what you believe to be the norm as a porn viewer, which is not necessarily in line with the norm and morays of society in general.
I'm surprised it's that late. That average age has little to do with the availability or access to porn but rather the age the child first becomes interested or curious. The fact is, kids don't find porn in drawers anymore and they haven't for over a decade. Unless the kid is clinically retarded, they will be able to find any porn they want (including the hardcore stuff) in a matter of seconds on the internet well before the age of 11........... Children in the U.S. now typically get their first exposure to porn at age 11.[/I]
whatshisname said:So I think the only solution is for parents (and teachers?) to talk to their kids about porn at early age (before puberty). Parents can give their own opinions about whether porn is evil, but they need to emphasize the fact that porn (especially hardcore porn) can be very misleading if you try to use it to learn about sex.
I think that most boys should not see porn until they are eighteen or older.
Not because it's wrong, but because they get they wrong idea which can lead to a lot of them doing bad things to women!:2 cents:
Just one mans opinion!
This issue cuts both ways, though. On the one hand, yes, some will get the wrong idea and end up doing bad things to women. But on the other hand, some of them may be inclined to do bad things to women in the first place, and if they can learn to do those things in fantasy rather than in real life, that makes things better. There is at least some evidence that the availability of porn reduces the incidence of rape, and IIRC the effect was strongest among underage males.
(And I shouldn't miss this opportunity to plug my idol. She talks about one of the porn/rape studies in this video.)
I'm surprised it's that late. That average age has little to do with the availability or access to porn but rather the age the child first becomes interested or curious. The fact is, kids don't find porn in drawers anymore and they haven't for over a decade. Unless the kid is clinically retarded, they will be able to find any porn they want (including the hardcore stuff) in a matter of seconds on the internet well before the age of 11.
(Only 3 more years until she hacks into the pentagon while her boyfriend is going down on her)
Parents who think they can control this behavior in their children by "allowing" or "prohibiting" access are suffering from delusions of grandeur - and their kids know it. Parents simply don't have that kind of power short of locking their kid in a box.
The kid is probably just as likely to suffer issues from having an excessively domineering and naive parent. The only realistic option they have is the one whatshisname mentioned...
Women get exploited in the porn and sex industry because women get exploited.