Assisted suicide advocate Jack Kevorkian dies


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Um yeah, well...actually how is know what I got nothing.
Without getting into a dispute of whether or not people have a personal choices over their own life and what they do with it.. He was truly ahead of his time and it is sad to see him go just like it was sad to see him persecuted for helping people. RIP
we put dogs down (and other pets) when there is no way to end their suffering...always seemed like we should have that same compassion for our fellow humans...adios jack
I think he was on the right track. Though I think he got carried away in the idea of "if I just do it and show them they'll see the light".

Unfortunately people fear what they don't understand. So instead of jumping on the bandwagon they shunned him out of ignorance.

I remember in one of the court cases a gentleman said something along the lines of; why are you letting them choose alone doesn't the family get a say?

Which is just as selfish as the person wanting to leave their life and subsequent pains behind. The only way to resolve it in my opinion is let everyone make their own personal choices; that way you get what you ask for, isn't that a large part of what freedom is all about?


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Interesting, isn't it, that in the so-called free world, the most basic freedom of all - to life - is so tightly controlled it's actually criminal to assist in the governance of its trajectory in any other way than that which the state approves.

I can smoke myself to death, legally. Drink myself to death, legally. I can be killed by police, legally. I can create life without any restriction whatsoever. But determine and control my own end? Apparently not, even if the inevitable endpoint - death - is, well, inevitable.

Kerkovian was a trailblazer and a visionary and a man who brought great relief to those who suffered unbearably under the yoke of 'freedom'.

I can only pray that should I find myself faced with a long, agonizing death that there is someone to help me, if I cannot help myself in carrying out my wishes as a free man. Even if that wish is death.


I've never understood why so many people are against suicide. I mean, it's my life to do with as I please even if it means ending it. Who are others to tell me I can't end it if I'm terminally ill for example or caught in a neverending depression. Why do they think they have the right to take control over my life away from me?

They do out of concern that you might inadvertently or intentionally cause the loss of life and/or limb to others while in the process of attempting to end your own life i.e. suicide by vehicle crash, suicide by cop(s), murder suicide, these kinds of things.

. . . Ba.... babe... are you still with us..... babe? :p


For the EMPEROR!!
I recently had to watch my father waste away for weeks before he passed. It's times like that, that you can inderstand Kervorkians' motivation. RIP to them both.