Interesting, isn't it, that in the so-called free world, the most basic freedom of all - to life - is so tightly controlled it's actually criminal to assist in the governance of its trajectory in any other way than that which the state approves.
I can smoke myself to death, legally. Drink myself to death, legally. I can be killed by police, legally. I can create life without any restriction whatsoever. But determine and control my own end? Apparently not, even if the inevitable endpoint - death - is, well, inevitable.
Kerkovian was a trailblazer and a visionary and a man who brought great relief to those who suffered unbearably under the yoke of 'freedom'.
I can only pray that should I find myself faced with a long, agonizing death that there is someone to help me, if I cannot help myself in carrying out my wishes as a free man. Even if that wish is death.