Ask me (SpexyAshleigh) any question you want!

" ewww no, Ryaan Reynolds AKA Ryan Reynolds ain't sexy"

Then, what about him ?


  • Jake_Gyllenhaal.jpg
    28 KB · Views: 217
C.J ahhh you beat me to it, I was going to ask Spexy if she likes Jake too! He's ubber hot that's for sure ;)
Hi Spexy, I have enjoyed reading you answers and comments on here but to day I saw something that is perfect for you in another thread so if you don't mind I want to tell you where to find it.
It's in the Official Nikki Nova hread on page 111 post #2762

What can I say I thought of you the moment I saw it

Jon S.

Though I don't believe it has been officially called yet, and I believe the voting has concluded, upon checking the vote counts, I wanted to be the 1st to congratulate you on being named "OCSM of the Week" this week! Congrats! How does it feel?


Official Checked Star Member
Hi Spexy, I have enjoyed reading you answers and comments on here but to day I saw something that is perfect for you in another thread so if you don't mind I want to tell you where to find it.
It's in the Official Nikki Nova hread on page 111 post #2762

What can I say I thought of you the moment I saw it

awwwwwwwwwwwweh bacon roses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D seriously I would melt if someone actually gave me those lol. and then I'd gobble them all up :1orglaugh

Though I don't believe it has been officially called yet, and I believe the voting has concluded, upon checking the vote counts, I wanted to be the 1st to congratulate you on being named "OCSM of the Week" this week! Congrats! How does it feel?

Seriously? I'm OCSM of the week again?! I've been out of town visiting family for the holidays so what a nice surprise to come back to :) Makes me feel nice to have my FO family loving on me and feeling their support! Thanks!!! <3

What do you think of this?

I actually really enjoy this song...when NKOTBSB first came out together, I was a bit skeptical on future music done together but I do like this song. I first heard it on the cruise when AJ previewed it for us girls and I liked it then, and finally got to hear the full length song a few weeks ago when the fanclub sent me the full track on itunes. Loves! :) Makes me excited for the tour this summer! :)


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Hi Spexy, I have enjoyed reading you answers and comments on here but to day I saw something that is perfect for you in another thread so if you don't mind I want to tell you where to find it.
It's in the Official Nikki Nova hread on page 111 post #2762

What can I say I thought of you the moment I saw it

I gave you bacon roses for Valentines Day ... who is this ^^ hideous usurper!

Congrats on being OCSM of the week :hybrid:


Official Checked Star Member
Spexy, can I creme your brulee? get what I mean;)

lol...thanks, now the next time I eat creme brulee, I'm gonna be thinking of jizz.

was it liberating to you being with your family all of last week, seeing as you did miss them?

I don't know if liberating is the right word to certainly was refreshing though!

Do you consider yourself to be feisty?!

ehhhhh I guess I can be lol. Would YOU say I'm feisty?:tongue:


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Would you consider somebody that hasn't shaved in a while and has stubble for facial hair ruggedly handsome or just scruffy looking?