Is twitter worth joining
men past the age of 21 have no business on twitter
- the name sounds gay
- it just gets you in a whole mess of trouble especially if you are a pimp like meimpdaddy
Is twitter worth joining
Add Facebook to the above and you have it right :thumbsup:
Q for ~Spexy~: if you were going to write/direct/star in a Canadian Zombie porn, what would it be called?
I'm new to this thread (so these questions may have already been asked)...
Have you ever worked with fellow Canadians (on the Eastern side) Lanny Barby and Bianca Beauchamp and fellow Canadians (on the Western side) Shyla Stylez and Heather Summers?
Were they enjoyable experiences, and if given the opportunity, would you choose to work with them again?
Are you asking that knowing that she is a cam girl or thinking she is a porn star?
i sort of asked this in another thread, but it's worth repeating.
May I cover you in lovely bacon and then graze slowly up and down your body on salty perfection?
Hell to the yes!
Are you asking that knowing that she is a cam girl or thinking she is a porn star?
oh and speaking of bacon, did you boys check out my new twitter background? I made it tonite, I'm pretty pleased with myself
oh and speaking of bacon, did you boys check out my new twitter background? I made it tonite, I'm pretty pleased with myself
Not knowing Ashley at all. I was thinking she was a pornstar... My mistake.