Official Checked Star Member
If you could go back in time to a period before you were born, or anytime in the future...what time would you travel to and why?
I'd love to go back 100-150years and live the simple life on a farm. I still wish I could live like that and one day, if I ever get rich, I probably will just do that. I'd love to see how things were back then...raising and killing your own animals, growing your own garden, churning butter etc...not having cars, electricity etc. And if not that, I'd like to go to the future to the end of times...I want to see how the world actually ends...then I might get some insight on what religion is actually the correct one, and know how to better prepare my offspring for future mayhem.
Spexy....what sort of music do you like?
sorry if this question has been asked before.
I literally love it all. I love rock, pop, classical, some country, some rap, hip hop, dance, trance...I will listen to anything.
Would you fancy dinner with me some time?
I would absolutely love to!!!