Re: Ask me anything naughty or nice... or dirty & kinky *hehe* xXx
Have you ever had chicken feet?
Have you ever had chicken feet?
I most certainly do ~ what smutty girl doesn't have a wishlist of assorted kinky items *hehe* xXx :shy: :lips:
Are you more conservative or liberal?
given the chance will you rape me and make me your slave?
Have you ever had chicken feet?
Are you a fan of Vegemite?
whip cream or chocolate as body food?
so no honey then?
Oooh now that would be sticky! I think I would get over licking honey pretty quickly... only sooo much honey 1 girl can lick *hehe* xXx
look like a lot with Madonna. If you have the opportunity of having sex with her , what would be the trivially thing you do with it her?
No offense but if I had the opportunity to have sex with Madonna I would run for the hills as fast as I can... & then run some more! :eek:
Definitely whipped cream - not quite as sticky! xXx
Is there anything I have not done in terms of sex and you want to do?
Definitely whipped cream - not quite as sticky! xXx