Ask me (Alisa) ALMOST anything


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
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If you have an itch in the middle of your back that you can't reach what is your preferred method to get it scratched?
Have you ever put salt or pepper in his tea and then denied it when directly questioned about it?

Do you think the future Mrs Victim has done the Dutch oven to me?

No I don't think I ever have and if he asked I wouldn't lie. It's never good to lie if you want to have a long term relationship.

I don't know her. I have no idea how to answer that. Though if you show her some of the pictures you have posted on here she just might.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Can you tell who the fuck is Alice?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I require a lighter smiley, like they used in concerts.
wat would u do if u saw ur fans masturbating?

Look to see who it was too. Applaud them for not being afraid to play with themselves in public. If I had them in a private place and they just whipped it out probably smack them. I think I would have to take it on a case by case bases really.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
No I don't think I ever have and if he asked I wouldn't lie. It's never good to lie if you want to have a long term relationship.

I don't know her. I have no idea how to answer that. Though if you show her some of the pictures you have posted on here she just might.
Would you believe that I behave in a rather more diginified manner around her than I do on here? X -G