Info on Ashlynn Brooke's website

A few months ago I subscribed to Ashlynn Brooke's website called Chronicles of my Journey. It was about her time in the industry. It only cost a few bucks a month so it was no big deal. I hadn't been on it in about 2 months. When I tried to find it last week, it seemed like it shut down. However, just today I saw that I was charged my $4 monthly fee as if it were still open. Anyone know anything about that site? Does it have a new address? Thanks.
I'm looking for a scene of hers where it's kind of behind the scenes where she's sitting down and the camera man asks if this other guy can jerk off and cum in her face and she says sure and it takes him a while so she finally helps. if anyone can find me that scene, I'd appreciate it!

I don't know. Can you provide an image?