Ashley Blue Almost choked to Death!

So you don't believe in people making their won decisions regarding their lives?

Why would't (he)? Sounds like (he's) making his "won" (sic) choice and for that he's being questioned (by you).
Why would't (he)? Sounds like (he's) making his "won" (sic) choice and for that he's being questioned (by you).

LOL, that's what I get for typing too fast. But you see my point... he's labeling someone he doesn't know because he THINKS their choices don't align with his... Freedom can be a bitch that way. ;)
How do you define whether or not its progress or regress, though? If you're advocating true moral relativism, then maybe banning gay marriage in the U.S. really is progress. Who's to say?

I haven't been advocating cultural or moral relativism. I've been arguing against it.

Each person defines a particular value as progress or regress by weighing up what they see as the merits and demerits of them. What the criteria is depends on what you're talking about, and these are often derived from a common system of meta-values or universal principles, such as religion or social darwinism or secular humanism.

Whatever the system, whatever values a person regards as superior or inferior, it's more intellectually honest to express an opinion than to be so abstract as to say all systems of thought and all acts can be spoken of as equal. I really don't think anyone really views the world in such terms when it comes down to the nitty-gritty of the real world.

Basically, deep down, everyone has an opinion on the rightness and wrongness of murder, gay marriage, gun control, abortion, charity when it impacts their own lives, so to talk about them as if all things are equal is a cop-out.

Anyway, I dislike getting into lengthy multi-page threads full of quotes, and somehow I've ended up in one again. I've made my point - whatever the kink involved, a reckless disregard for safety is stupidity or insanity. Pornography should be safe, sane and consensual.
LOL, that's what I get for typing too fast. But you see my point... he's labeling someone he doesn't know because he THINKS their choices don't align with his... Freedom can be a bitch that way. ;)

I would say he's gleaned more about the individual person beyond the surface and making judgement as to what he will support. Fair to me....happens all the time....often times in the opposite way...which is fine too.

There are some ppl who turn off to a chick because she may do a certain genre of porn they don't approve of. I think some chicks weigh that out in their career decisions some don't give a shit I ppl like them for doing some genre or not doing some genre.
I haven't been advocating cultural or moral relativism. I've been arguing against it.

Each person defines a particular value as progress or regress by weighing up what they see as the merits and demerits of them. What the criteria is depends on what you're talking about, and these are often derived from a common system of meta-values or universal principles, such as religion or social darwinism or secular humanism.

Whatever the system, whatever values a person regards as superior or inferior, it's more intellectually honest to express an opinion than to be so abstract as to say all systems of thought and all acts can be spoken of as equal. I really don't think anyone really views the world in such terms when it comes down to the nitty-gritty of the real world.

Basically, deep down, everyone has an opinion on the rightness and wrongness of murder, gay marriage, gun control, abortion, charity when it impacts their own lives, so to talk about them as if all things are equal is a cop-out.

Anyway, I dislike getting into lengthy multi-page threads full of quotes, and somehow I've ended up in one again. I've made my point - whatever the kink involved, a reckless disregard for safety is stupidity or insanity. Pornography should be safe, sane and consensual.

Aha... I gotcha now. And actually I can respect an appeal to religion or other metaphysically defined value system a lot more than I can an appeal to moral relativism. Saying, "This is wrong because my god says so," is actually fairly rational, whereas saying, "This is wrong because I say so," is both irrational and arrogant.

That only works if you're going to view this from a theistic perspective, however. From an atheistic perspective, morality is an illusion. It's an evolutionary construct created by a social contract that we have collectively signed because we've decided its in our individual best interests to do so. And from that perspective, I don't really care what anybody does with their lives. I mean, really... what does one person's desire to engage in assisted suicide by means of erotic asphyxiation have to do with me? Not a hell of a whole lot.
Thread incorrectly titled IMO.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Thread incorrectly titled IMO.

I agree. After watching it a couple of times (and no, can't say it did anything for me), I think the only thing I see is a porn girl who may have some basic acting skills. Course, that in itself is pretty shocking these days. :D

Hey, post that video clip of the catfight beat down! Now that shit was real!!! :nanner: :rofl: