Ashlee adams


Official Checked Star Member
Hey Ashlee...what's up with the rumors I'm hearing about Australia banning porn and other "offensive" sites?

Basically the government thinks it'd be an awesome idea to try to protect the children by completely screwing over everyone else's rights. The whole thing is so damn confusing and the details have been kept a bit hush hush so to be honest I don't really know much about it other than it's a giant load of bullshit and it's going to upset the general public to astronomical levels. IF the bill passes (which I hope it won't, given how much of a breach of rights it is), I'd give it about 6 months before total fucking implosion.

It just doesn't even make sense. I am 24 years old and I live in an apartment on my own. I do not have a child, I never invite children to my house, a child has never even entered this room let alone operated my computer, why the fuck should I have my internet access limited to child friendly sites?! :mad:

And the other thing nobody understands is what exactly counts as 'child' friendly? What age level are they considering here? Are they just banning everything innapropriate for those under 8 years old? Or 18 years old? Nobody knows


Official Checked Star Member
A good morning nude for you all. A superrr old image that was supposed to be from a zip set on my paysite that never happened, I have no use for the pics now cos they're so old and I look completely different, so I might as well post a couple here. Only about 5 people have ever seen these pics before haha.

[B][URL=" said:
Ashlee Adams[/URL][/B], post: 3045399, member: 288580"]Hahahah damn Photobucket! Oh well, I'm home now so I have access to other pics ;)

This set is about a year old, hmm.

Wow Ashlee you are one hot looking lady,Thanks for the pics:)
A good morning nude for you all. A superrr old image that was supposed to be from a zip set on my paysite that never happened, I have no use for the pics now cos they're so old and I look completely different, so I might as well post a couple here. Only about 5 people have ever seen these pics before haha.

To Bad.. Very Hot Pic Thanks for sharing
A good morning nude for you all. A superrr old image that was supposed to be from a zip set on my paysite that never happened, I have no use for the pics now cos they're so old and I look completely different, so I might as well post a couple here. Only about 5 people have ever seen these pics before haha.

I told you yesterday that you are more hot than ....somebody else I wouldn't mention that name again .......

Basically the government thinks it'd be an awesome idea to try to protect the children by completely screwing over everyone else's rights. The whole thing is so damn confusing and the details have been kept a bit hush hush so to be honest I don't really know much about it other than it's a giant load of bullshit and it's going to upset the general public to astronomical levels. IF the bill passes (which I hope it won't, given how much of a breach of rights it is), I'd give it about 6 months before total fucking implosion.

It just doesn't even make sense. I am 24 years old and I live in an apartment on my own. I do not have a child, I never invite children to my house, a child has never even entered this room let alone operated my computer, why the fuck should I have my internet access limited to child friendly sites?! :mad:

And the other thing nobody understands is what exactly counts as 'child' friendly? What age level are they considering here? Are they just banning everything innapropriate for those under 8 years old? Or 18 years old? Nobody knows

Well, if that bill passes, you are welcome to come over and move in with me! Yes, I know it would be a big sacrifice on my part, but I am willing to do it to guarantee you'd have unrestricted internet access! It's a matter of principle, you see. :glugglug:


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Basically the government thinks it'd be an awesome idea to try to protect the children by completely screwing over everyone else's rights. The whole thing is so damn confusing and the details have been kept a bit hush hush so to be honest I don't really know much about it other than it's a giant load of bullshit and it's going to upset the general public to astronomical levels. IF the bill passes (which I hope it won't, given how much of a breach of rights it is), I'd give it about 6 months before total fucking implosion.

It just doesn't even make sense. I am 24 years old and I live in an apartment on my own. I do not have a child, I never invite children to my house, a child has never even entered this room let alone operated my computer, why the fuck should I have my internet access limited to child friendly sites?! :mad:

And the other thing nobody understands is what exactly counts as 'child' friendly? What age level are they considering here? Are they just banning everything innapropriate for those under 8 years old? Or 18 years old? Nobody knows

Ah it hasn't passed yet. We were just wondering since it was starting to pop up yesterday. This kind of stuff pisses me off to no end. If people don't want kids to see adult content or "immoral" sites they need to start parenting ffs.

Anyways, back to the porn. :D
They're from a very small outback town where everyone knows everyone's business, it'd get back to them in about 30 seconds flat hahaha.

I'm building the site myself, I'll probably be putting exclusive pic galleries and stuff on there, I tried to build a paysite once before but it was too hard to do it on my own, so I gave the thousands of dollars of content I shot to a company who never did anything with it :mad: So yeah, I'm a bit over the paysite thing haha. I might do video blogs similar to what I did for ZOO Weekly...

I did topless sex advice vids for ZOO Weekly magazine last year, they're pretty cool if you wanted to check out the above link :)

Very cute girl i love your accent.


Closed Account
u look fabulous ashlee!!

In the context to the australian govt wanting to ban porn, i have but only one thing to say. it is here i would like to quote a famous author(a.k.a Salman Rushdie) who once said, "a free and civilised society should be judged by its willingness to accept pornography." infact here is a link to an article in times


Official Checked Star Member
Ah it hasn't passed yet. We were just wondering since it was starting to pop up yesterday. This kind of stuff pisses me off to no end. If people don't want kids to see adult content or "immoral" sites they need to start parenting ffs.

Anyways, back to the porn. :D

Haha exactly. It's just utter nonsense. Making it illegal for the entire country to view adult content is not the solution to saving the poor children from the evil pornography, the solution is teaching people to be better fucking parents and not letting their 8 year old have unsupervised access to the computer. There's plenty of 'net nanny' programs out there that will block inappropriate sites if people actually bothered to use them. The idea that it may become illegal for me to view porn or any M15+ websites on my home computer even though I do not have a child and never have any in my house, is just absolutely fucking ludicrous.

Vicky Vette

Official Checked Star Member
Haha exactly. It's just utter nonsense. Making it illegal for the entire country to view adult content is not the solution to saving the poor children from the evil pornography, the solution is teaching people to be better fucking parents and not letting their 8 year old have unsupervised access to the computer. There's plenty of 'net nanny' programs out there that will block inappropriate sites if people actually bothered to use them. The idea that it may become illegal for me to view porn or any M15+ websites on my home computer even though I do not have a child and never have any in my house, is just absolutely fucking ludicrous.

Ok, I admit it.... I am evil :mad:


Official Checked Star Member
Hi Ashlee how are you today am seeing doing work hard on the forum now a days.....whats up today bring any thing new.........:):)flylickerflylicker


Official Checked Star Member
Hi guys, I'm good thanks! Spent the day shopping at Ikea... reminded me how much I dislike children and people who walk slow.

Ummmmm let me think, I don't have any new photos just yet but I can post some old ones haha. This is just some old webcam stuff I took aaages ago.

Hi guys, I'm good thanks! Spent the day shopping at Ikea... reminded me how much I dislike children and people who walk slow.

Ummmmm let me think, I don't have any new photos just yet but I can post some old ones haha. This is just some old webcam stuff I took aaages ago.

Damn like the First Outfit