Artificial Created Humanoids In Porn-Industry


There is a movie about that. It's called "The Island" with Scarlett Johansson.

Based on that I think they should take the example from the movie

and make a whole army of Scarlett Johansson to satisfy porn freaks

like you and me...
really interesting read but won't believe until i see proof... just the way i am. But on the other hand wouldn't surprise me if it were true

Dr. Neruda: "If I were to tell you what I know about the ET situation, I'm afraid I would lose my credibility in your eyes. Believe me, the reality of the ET situation is much more complex and dimensional than I have time tonight to report, and if I gave you a superficial rendering, I think you'd find it impossible to believe. So I'm going to tell you partial truths, and I'm going to be very careful in my choice of words.

"The Martians are a humanoid race fashioned from the same gene pool as we. They live in underground bases within Mars, and their numbers are small. Some have already immigrated to earth, and with some superficial adjustments to their physical appearance, they could pass for a human in broad daylight.

"President Clinton is aware of these matters and has considered alternative ways to communicate with ETs. To date, a form of telepathy has been used as the primary communication interface. However, this is not a trusted form of communication, especially in the minds of our military personnel. Virtually every radio telescope on the globe has been, at one time or another, used to communicate with ETs. This has had mixed results, but there have been successes, and our President is aware of these."

Sarah: "Then is Clinton involved in the secret network you mentioned earlier?"

Dr. Neruda: "Not knowingly. But he is clearly an important influencer, and is treated with great care by high-level operatives within the network."

Sarah: "So you're saying he's manipulated?"

Dr. Neruda: "It depends on your definition of manipulation. He can make any decision he desires, ultimately he has the power to make or influence all decisions relative to national security, economic stability, and social order. But he generally seeks inputs from his advisors. And high-level operatives from this secret network advise his advisors. The network, and its operatives, seldom gets too close to political power because it's in the media fish bowl, and they disdain the scrutiny of the media and the public in general.

"Clinton, therefore is not manipulated, but simply advised. The information he receives is sometimes doctored to lead his decisions in the direction that the network feels is most beneficial to all of its members. To the extent that information is doctored, then I think you could say that the President is manipulated. He has precious little time to perform fact checking and fully evaluate alternative plans, which is why the advisors are so important and influential."

Sarah: "Okay, so he's manipulated -- at least by my definition. Is this also happening with other governments like Japan and Great Britain for instance?"

Dr. Neruda: "Yes. This network is not just national or even global. It extends to other races and species. So its influence is quite broad, as are the influences that impinge upon it. It is a two-way street. As I said before, The Labyrinth Group operates the only agenda that is truly independent, and because of its goal, it's permitted to have this independence -- though in all honesty, there's nothing that anyone could do to prevent it, with the possible exception of the WingMakers."

Sarah: "So all the world's governments are being manipulated by this secret network of organizations -- who are these organizations -- you mentioned some of them, but who are the rest? Is the mob involved?" Dr. Neruda: "I could name most of them, but to what end? Most you wouldn't recognize or find any reference to. They are like the Labyrinth Group. Had you ever heard of it before? Of course not. Even the current management of the NSA is not aware of the ACIO. At one time, they were. But that was over 35 years ago, and people circulate out of the organization, but still retain their alliance to the secret and privileged information network.

"And no, absolutely there is no mob or organized crime influence in this network. The network uses organized crime as a shield in some instances, but organized crime operates through intimidation, not stealth. Its leaders possess average intelligence and associate with information systems that are obsolete and therefore non-strategic. The organized crime network is a much less sophisticated version of the network I was referring to."

Sarah: Okay, back to the WingMakers for a moment -- and I apologize for my scattered questions tonight. It's just that there's so much I want to know that I'm finding it very difficult to stay on the subject of the Ancient Arrow project." Dr. Neruda: "You don't need to apologize. I understand how this must sound to you. I'm still wide awake, so you don't have to worry about the time."

Sarah: "Okay. Let's talk a little bit about your impressions or insights into ET situation that you spoke of earlier. To me, this is the part that's most fascinating."

Dr. Neruda: "First of all, I want to explain that the ETs that interact with our world's governments are not the same ones that interact with the Labyrinth Group."

Sarah: "But I thought you said that the Greys were involved with the ACIO, or at least one of its factions."

Dr. Neruda: "Yes, they're also known as the Zetas, but as I said, they're many different factions of the Greys and the one that the ACIO is working with are the alpha faction, and they don't operate with our government organizations because they are too suspicious of them, and frankly, don't view them as intelligent enough to even warrant their time."

Sarah: "What about the Corteum?"

Dr. Neruda: "The Corteum are a very sophisticated culture, integrating technology, culture, and science in a very holistic manner. For different reasons, they're not involved with our governments either, mainly because of their role with the Federation. "

Sarah: "What's the Federation -- I haven't heard you talk about it before?" Dr. Neruda: "Each galaxy has a Federation or loose-knit organization that includes all sentient life forms on every planet within the galaxy. It would be the equivalent of the United Nations of the galaxy. This Federation has both invited members and observational members. Invited members are those species that have managed to behave in a responsible manner as stewards of their planet and combine both the technology, philosophy, and culture that enable them to communicate as a global entity that has a unified agenda.

"Observational members are species who are fragmented and are still wrestling with one another over land, power, money, culture, and a host of other things that prevent them from forming a unified world government. The human race on planet earth is such a species, and for now, it is simply observed by the Federation, but is not invited into its policy making and economic systems."

Sarah: "Are you saying that our galaxy has a form of government and an economic system?"

Dr. Neruda: "Yes, but if I tell you about this you will lose track of what I really wanted to share with you about the WingMakers." Sarah: "I'm sorry for taking us off track again. But this is just too amazing to ignore. If there's a Federation of cooperative, intelligent species, why couldn't they take care of these hostile aliens in the year 2011 or at least help us?" Dr. Neruda: "The Federation doesn't intrude on a species of any kind. It is truly a facilitating force not a governing force with a military presence. That is to say, they will observe and help with suggestions, but they will not intervene on our behalf." Sarah: "Is this like the Prime Directive as it's portrayed on Star Trek?"

Dr. Neruda: "No. It's more like a parent who wants its children to learn how to fend for themselves so they can become greater contributors to the family." Sarah: "But wouldn't a hostile take-over of earth effect the Federation?"

Dr. Neruda: "Most definitely. But the Federation does not preempt a species' own responsibility for survival and the perpetuation of its genetics. You see, at an atomic level our physical bodies are made quite literally from stars. At a sub-atomic level, our minds are non-physical repositories of a galactic mind. At a sub-sub-atomic level, our souls are non-physical repositories of God or the intelligence that pervades the universe.

"The Federation believes that the human species can defend itself because it is of the stars, galactic mind, and God. If we were unsuccessful, and the hostility spread to other parts of our galaxy, then the Federation would take notice and its members would defend their sovereignty, and this has happened many times. And in this process of defense new technologies arise, new friendships are forged, and new confidence is embedded in the galactic mind.

"That's why the Federation performs as they do." Sarah: "Doesn't BST exist somewhere within the Federation?" Dr. Neruda: "Perhaps in one of the planets closer to our galactic core."

Sarah: "So why doesn't the Federation help -- you said they could help didn't you?"

Dr. Neruda: "Yes, they can help. And the Corteum are IMs or invited members and they are helping us. But they themselves do not possess the BST technology -- this is a very special technology that's permitted to be acquired by a species that intends to use it only as a defensive weapon. And herein is the challenge.

Sarah: "Who does the "permitting" -- are you saying the Federation decides when a species is ready to acquire BST?" Dr. Neruda "No -- I think it has to do with God." Sarah: "I don't know why, but I have a hard time believing that you believe in God."

Dr. Neruda: "Well, I do. And furthermore, so does everyone within the Labyrinth Group -- including Fifteen. We've seen far too many evidences of God or a higher intelligence that we can't dispute its existence. It would be impossible to deny based on what we've observed in our laboratories."

Sarah: "So God decides when we're ready to responsibly use BST. Do you think he'll decide before 2011?" (I admit there was a tone of sarcasm in this question.)

Dr. Neruda: "You see, Sarah, the Labyrinth Group is hopeful that the readiness of the entire species isn't the determining factor, but that a subgroup within the species might be allowed to acquire the technology as long as it was able to protect it from all non-approved forces. This subgroup is hoped to be the Labyrinth Group, and it's one of the reasons why Fifteen has invested so much of the ACIO's resource into security systems."

Sarah: "You didn't really answer my question though -- Do you think it can be developed in 12 years?"

Dr. Neruda: "I don't know. Certainly I hope so, but BST is not our only line of defense. The Labyrinth Group has devised many defensive weapons, not all of which I'll describe to you. The Animus have visited earth before, approximately three hundred million years ago, but they didn't find anything present on our planet to cause them to invest the time and resources to colonize our planet. When their probes return in thirteen years, they will think differently.

"Our analysis is that they will befriend our governments and utilize the United Nations as an ally. They will set about orchestrating a unified world government through the United Nations. And when the first elections are held in 2018, they will overtake the United Nations and rule as the world government. This will be done through trickery and deception.

"I mention our analysis -- taken from three different RV sessions -- because they're quite specific as to the dates, and so we have the equivalent of nineteen years to produce and deploy BST. Ideally, yes, we'd like to have it completed in order to interface with the intervention points for this race when it decided to crossover into our galaxy. We would like to cause them to choose a different galaxy or abandon their quest altogether. But it may be impossible to determine this intervention point.

"You see, the memory implant technology developed by the Labyrinth Group can be utilized in conjunction with BST. We can define the intervention point when our galaxy was selected as a target to colonize, enter that time and place, and impose a new memory on their leadership to divert them from our galaxy." Sarah: "Either I'm getting tired, or this just got a lot more confusing -- You're saying that the Labyrinth Group already has scenarios to nip this thing in the bud -- to prevent this marauding group of aliens from even entering our galaxy? How do you know where they are?"

Dr. Neruda: "To answer your question, I would need to explain with much more granularity the precise nature of BST and how it differs from time travel. I'll try to explain it as simply as I can, but it's complex, and you need to let go of some of your preconceived notions of time and space.

"You see -- time is not exclusively linear as when it's depicted in a timeline. Time is vertical with every moment in existence stacked upon the next and all coinciding with one another. In other words, time is the collective of all moments of all experience simultaneously existing within non-time, which is usually referred to as eternity.

"Vertical time infers that one can select a moment of experience and use time and space as the portal through which they make their selection real. Once the selection is made, time and space become the continuity factor that changes vertical time into horizontal time or conventional time."

Sarah: "You lost me. How is vertical time different from horizontal time?" Dr. Neruda: "Vertical time has to do with the simultaneous experience of all time, and horizontal time has to do with the continuity of time in linear, moment-by-moment experiences." Sarah: "So you're saying that every experience I've ever had or will ever have exists right now? That the past and future are actually the present, but I'm just too brainwashed to see it?"

Dr. Neruda "As I said before, this is a complex subject, and I'm afraid that if I spend the time explaining it to you now, we'll lose track of more important information like BST. Perhaps if I were to explain the nature of BST, most of your questions would be answered in the process."


I believe you man. In fact, I have firsthand knowledge about these aliens and their plans for humanity. They are disguised as humans but I boarded their ship and took this picture of what they really look like:

Why do you laugh about the fact that aliens exist and control humans?

It's the aliens dude, they're making us laugh. We don't want to, really. But they know they're far more powerful than you are and that even though you know the truth you can't stop them. So they laugh, and they make those around you laugh to make you feel as insignificant as you are.

Don't feel bad, keep fighting. We need you and your band of merry men now more than ever to free us from the grips of this intergalactic oppression.

Now, I must flee, for the great overloads in the sky will be angered at such disobedience on my part and if they were to find me I will be punished severely. I must hide, but fear not I shall return on the morrow.


Official Checked Star Member
Scientists do a lot experiments in underground bases and they created humanoid clones already in the early 60s. Barack Obama is not human, he´s like Tiger Woods a android roboter with humanoid features. Most girls in porn just are androids with humanoid features and they just get used as a tool to have sex. They get created to live as sexdolls, with a perfect created look. They want everytime a guy want it. They say never "No" and they do EVERYTHING. It takes 36 hours to create a human.

Read this top document:

Today, an adult human clone can be produced in less than 36 hours, and the brain is then down-loaded with the desired information. These `genetic/holographic’ DNA/RNA replicas have been in the perfecting for well over four decades. All that is required is a holo*graphic fragment (literally, one cell) and a replica can be reproduced. Then all that is required is down-loading of the memory data and pro*gramming of the manufactured entity. The robotoid mind has no ability to comprehend danger from the larger per*spective. It can comprehend its own possible demise, but there is no “Soul” connection to God. Survival is a most elementary emotional connection to God and in times of great stress (i.e. “all men in a fox*hole wholly believe in God”) this is through the Soul. Since the robotoids do not have this con*nection, they simply intensify what ever activity they are focused upon, unless concerned for their own bodily survival.

Thus we have men in high places who are “soulless” and beyond the reach of normal rea*soning process. We speak Truth unto them as to what the conse*quences are of continuing this insane push and it does not penetrate, for the fo*cus is only intensified. So, the maneuvering goes on in attempts to strike what they believe to be our vulnerable point, the crystal and our ground crews. It behooves all ones of this group to stay close within the area and to stay in con*stant focus of maintenance of your shields. ’Tis not the time to question the va*lidity of what is going on about you as to reality, but to come into understand*ing that it is real and that you do play a most crucial and critical role in the se*quential playing of God’s hand in the game being played out.


Though we have all manner of scanners and do track and monitor key play*ers, even then we are also somewhat surprised at the audacity of Satan’s chal*lenging us directly at this stage, but we must all remember that man’s plunge into evil has carried him far beyond even that which Satan sanctions. However, neither is he going to put a stop to one of his humans that would carry his plan forward with the creativity that he, Satan, lacks. Neither will he make any ef*fort to protect or salvage these ones. They are way out there on a limb of their own projection; if robotoid, it is a distortion within the original human being that is being followed into manifesta*tion.

The discussion is so that you ones may perhaps grasp the degree of danger that not only you as focused group for God face, but humanity as a whole, for few grasp, accept or even have an inkling of what they are facing when it comes to the layers of evil planning as well as the pres*ence of those Soulless ones that cannot be reached by God for there is no connection. God does not sanction war or death for it is destructive to the Soul to participate in such, how*ever for those that are soulless there is the dilemma of man as to what to do when one such as this be*comes focused upon the destruction of God’s real children. How indeed do men of God handle such a situation? How does man know when in*deed one such “being” is confronting him face-to-face? One such test is the challenge, “If you are not of Holy God, I command that you stop this instant.” A Soul-connected being will hesitate, even if only for a split second. If you identify yourself with Holy God, then you had better be prepared to defend self, for a robotoid is pro*grammed to destroy that which is of God. It is part of the process. They have not the connec*tion with God that human has with which to identify each other, so they cannot be sure until you declare yourself, unless you are already known to them. That does not mean that you, if you are walking within the shield of God, are left defenseless in a moment such as this. The Presence shall be right at your shoulder and you will be given to know that which you are to do—if you are not in such fear and panic that you cannot in*stinctively know. Here you could hear words, but the reaction time would not serve you, instead there is a survival in*stinctual connection that al*lows for in*stant perfect action. Thus we encourage you to con*stantly acknowledge and recog*nize the Presence within you and without you.

1. Actual Clones

This is a person who has been grown from a test tube (called "in vitro") or implanted womb, which has the identical genetic makeup to another person--an identical twin so to speak in terms of genetic makeup. The genetic coding has reproduced, and a new person who is an identical twin is now in existence.

2. Synthetic People

These are "persons" who look everybit as real as a real person, but simulate human beings. Certain tissues extracted from cattle are the starting point. (This is part of the reason for cattle mutilations.) The process is an advancement of a process discovered in the late 1950’s. This 1959 experiment was reported in a book in 1968 called The Biological Time Bomb by Gordon Rettray Taylor. Taylor describes the experiment done in France, "They had extracted DNA from the cells of the khaki Cam phells and had injected it into the white Pekins, thinking that just possibly the offspring of the latter might show some character derived from khaki Campbells. To their astonishment the actual ducks they injected began to change. Their white feathers darkened, and their necks began to take on the peculiar curve which is a mark of the khaki Campbell." The scientists working under the auspices of the Rothschilds, (who are directed by Satan himself) developed this process by working at secret breakneck speed. They developed an advanced development of the process they discovered with the DNA chicken experiment. By the late 1970’s, synthetic people could be produced by the Illuminati.

3. Organic Robotoids

This is an "artificial life" form that is created through processes that are totally different than cloning or synthetics. Organic robotoid technology is being made to make exact as possible copies of important people such as Presidents and some of their staff. For instance, the Jimmy Carter who came to Portland a few years ago who I stood two feet away from and examined visually was not the Jimmy Carter that had run for President. On Easter, 1979 the first robotoid model of Jimmy Carter replaced the man Jimmy Carter. By the time "Carter" was seen by me, they must have been on at least robotoid no. 100. This is why a friend of mine who was recently in Washington D.C. almost bumped into President Clinton jogging. My friend was surprised by the lack of security. Kaiser Aluminum News which is put out by Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corporation put out a series of articles to a specialized audience in the 1960’s. This material was also published under the book title The Dynamics of Change (Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1967). Under the title heading "GENETIC MANIPULATION" we read, "The ability to control the formation of new beings may be one of the most basic developments of the future. Recent discoveries about the nucleonic acids, the basic building blocks of life, have led to the belief that man may some day be able to treat genes in such a way that desired characteristics can be realized..." Under the heading "MAN-MACHINE SYMBIOSIS" we read, "...Computers exist which can learn, remember, see, seek goals, reason, walk, sing on key, talk, be irritable, play games, grasp, adapt to an environment and even design improvements in themselves.. .man-like computers may one day contain plasma circulating through a viscera-like envelope, allowing them to be self-healing." Under the heading "HUMAN ROBOTS" we read, "...An electronic circuit that imitates two neurons, the cells of the human brain, has been built, and has enabled a robot to deal with some unexpected situations, but the neuron structure was bulky. The brain has billions of neurons, meaning an incredible miniaturization job will be necessary before truly ‘human’ robots are developed." As the reader knows since the 1960’s when this was written an incredible miniaturation job has been done in computers. What the public knows of that minituration is incredible and that is only part of what has actually occurred. In fact, scientists are now able to manipulate DNA to create computers. A basic thing that is needed to create a computer is material that will consistently change given some type of "signal". This is because the computer works off of base two--or what is simply an on--off switch system, or a 0 or 1 system of numbers. Living biological material is superior to other material for making computers because the heat created by the methods in conventional computers slows the speed. For super-computers to work at great speeds they need to use biological material that will not heat up. This type of miituration has already been done. It creates computers far beyond what we are familiar with. Organic robotoids are amazingly humanlike, so humanlike that it is hard for the scientists who have created them to get used to the idea that they are not humans. Biological computer brains for the robotiods
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came as a result of research into holograms. If you tear up a conventional photograph you ruin it, but if you tear up the film that produces a hologram, each piece still contains almost all the same image. This is why part of the brain of people can be removed and the brain regain what it had lost. A holographic image of a person’s brain is made, and then when the brain of a robotoid is made, the biological computer in its head is caused to form according to the holographic record of a person being copied. Some deviations from the holographic record are needed, because the "person" is a robotoid and not a person. The brain of the robotoid has almost all of the correct memory of the person reproduced, but the robotoid brain is really a computer made from biological material which is programmed, it is not a human brain. First, "Clinton" has the energy to jog because it may well be a robotoid, and second thing, an assassination of a robotoid is not so serious. These robotoids have a biological computer-brain that is programmed. They can think in the sense a computer thinks, but secret advances in understanding the human brain, have allowed the makers of organic robotoids to have the memory of a person at a given point in time transferred to an organic robotoid. The key then for making what appears to be a clone--but they are not a real clone--is to capture the person to be copied and make a holographic copy of the brain memory and transfer that to the robotoid.

4. Doubles (look alikes)

There is an ongoing program to find look alikes for prominent people, as well as a program to create secret identical twins (which are separated at birth and never see each other). George Bush’s double was promiscuous, while George Bush is a pedophile. His double was living in France after Bush was no longer President. By the use of doubles, (or one of the synthetics or organic robotoids) the elite are able to sneak away and perform satanic rituals. On certain occasions, if Clinton or Bush only needed to do low level tasks in front of the public, they could have their double substitute for them. The Illuminati working with several organizations has had a look alike operation where doubles of certain key people are found and then used. In the book Desert Shield and The New World Order pub. by Northpoint Tactical Teams, Topton, NC, if you look on page 32 you will see a picture of the original FDR who had a mole over his eyes and then you will a see a picture of the double of Roosevelt who they used, who had no mole and had different ear lobes. Roosevelt may have died prior to when it was actually announced. Over the years I have seen numerous photos exposing either the Robotoids or the doubles that they use. This author’s previous S' ’93 article had some pictures about the dead Pope Paul VI, who my Be Wise As Serpents book said was murdered. This recent Pope was replaced with a double who had had plastic surgery. As a double gets older the plastic surgery will not look as convincing, because time changes people differently. One ex-Catholic said the whole thing sounded like science fiction. It does sound far out at first, but the evidence is there for people to see. For myself, the ex-Illuminati have told me about the double’s program. From what I understand the double or look-alike program has been more successful than the robotoids and synthetics. The reason is that people live longer and are more dependable in some ways. The project to find look alikes for prominent people has been very successful. Plastic surgery has also been done to help touch up the doubles.


This Appendix covers 4 different methods that have been used to make copies of people, these were cloning, creating synthetic duplicates, creating organic robotoids, and finding look alike doubles. [Programs for all four of these methods have had almost unlimited funding by the intelligence/Illuminati elite.] Next, the basic principles for creating a synthetic human were covered. Synthetic humans were in some ways found to be superior to the robotoids that were created. The first few years of robotoids were fraught with problems. [Since my inside information is somewhat dated, I cannot give readers the status of current robotoid abilities, however, I believe from what I’ve seen that the program continues.] The synthetics were people who had their genes altered to look more like the person they were to copy. The robotoids were the formation of new beings that look human but are actually bionic robots. Their memories were created by using living "brain tissue" which is some type of programmable living biological matter, and programming this material as a sophisticated computer. In order to get the memory of the person being copied, a holographic image of the person’s brain is made and transferred to the robotoid. Because the robotoid "brain" is not functioning like a human (although the end result is nearly identical so that viewers have to know what differences to look for), there are of course some adjustments that have to be made after the holographic image of the host is transferred to the living biological matter that will function as the brain of the robotoid. Lord Willing, this author may write some more on this topic later. The ability of the Illuminati to copy people using the 4 methods listed above, are not going to be the deciding factor in their moves to control the world, but it does give them a great deal of flexibility in their operations. This author frequently reflects on the words of the Illuminati Grand Master who told Cisco, who was then a child, while touring a cloning facility, "never, never think you are seeing who you think you are seeing."

How did you discover the truth??? lol
It's the aliens dude, they're making us laugh. We don't want to, really. But they know they're far more powerful than you are and that even though you know the truth you can't stop them. So they laugh, and they make those around you laugh to make you feel as insignificant as you are.

Don't feel bad, keep fighting. We need you and your band of merry men now more than ever to free us from the grips of this intergalactic oppression.

Now, I must flee, for the great overloads in the sky will be angered at such disobedience on my part and if they were to find me I will be punished severely. I must hide, but fear not I shall return on the morrow.

These humanoids aren't anything compared to our reptilian overlords here on Earth!!!

But seriously, this thread is awesome, despite being screwy and loony. Still, this thread is making me coo-coo for coco puffs :D
These humanoids aren't anything compared to our reptilian overlords here on Earth!!!

Right, but the reptilians really are the ultimate fighters. They kill, hate, destroy and create suffering. Many extraterrestrial races had big wars in past with the reptilian race, a long time before earth got created from other cosmic races. They even created a moon for us, so they have control over our body and mind.

"...a prologue recording a mutiny aboard the planetoid-sized Utu-class starship of the Fourth Imperium (a 7,000 year old technologically advanced multi-star system empire), the Dahak, led by its Chief of Engineering, the ambitious and psychopathic Captain Anu. Anu's ostensible reason for mutiny is to lead his followers to refuge on some remote planet where presumably the genocidal wrath of the "Achuultani", a mysterious alien race that periodically exterminates all intelligent life it can find, and which has destroyed the previous three Imperiums, will pass over them.


This impasse lasts for approximately 50,000 years, until the Earthling's early space program sends up one Lieutenant Commander Colin MacIntyre to map the dark side of the heavenly body Dahak had camouflaged itself as —the Moon — as a "dress rehearsal" for a similar trip scheduled for Mars..."

So much material, but media ignores, because media is under reptilian control. Actually 99,9 % of all information about our past and reality is a lie created trough control from reptilians. Earth is more than 200 billion years old and human are not from earth, we got here from other places in this and other universes. Actually time just exists in our dna system and creates a holographic projection - wich we call 3d & 4d reality. by expanding the dna strings to 12 we get multidimensional and out of this timesystem we live in.. time travel is possible and they do it since many years..
I started reading it but damn its to long how am I a human suppose to make my videos and picture galleries for you guys if its that long. Don't you want us real chicks to work? :( Is that the real cover up?


13 years necro-bump !

And now we have AI porn, and AI everything.