Armchair Economist

More stimulus.
Raise taxes to pay for the stimulus.
Add more stimulus.
Raise taxes to pay for the stimulus.
Add more stimulus.
Raise taxes to pay for the stimulus.
Add more stimulus.
Raise taxes to pay for the stimulus.
Add more stimulus.
Raise taxes to pay for the stimulus.
Add more stimulus.

...Just spit balling.

Since you're full of spit...

Let's forget about paying for the stimulus for a sec.

How about we just pay for the fucking wars....does that even make sense to you??

Since were spit bailing and all.. (for lurking...see, full of spit...spit bailing...get the joke???):D:facepalm:

On a side note, I hear two parents talking about having to pay for the SAT for their kids....:wtf::wtf:????????? Since when has this been???

We're hell bent on extending tax cuts (that haven't apparently worked) for the top 2 pct. but kids are having to pay to take the fucking SAT in the USA?????????

More stimulus.
Raise taxes to pay for the stimulus.
Add more stimulus.
Raise taxes to pay for the stimulus.
Add more stimulus.
Raise taxes to pay for the stimulus.
Add more stimulus.
Raise taxes to pay for the stimulus.
Add more stimulus.
Raise taxes to pay for the stimulus.
Add more stimulus.

...Just spit balling.

Yes the Democrat way. However in addition to this top heavy spending there absolutely must be a 45 mph high speed rail project in there. I mean every Dem. is obsessed with high speed rail. This uber fast method of travel will have a workforce that's overstaffed and undertrained. There'll be umpteen hundred middle managers each with no responsibility and no oversight (union regulations). The idea is simply to get these "employees" into an ill fitting uniform and back to work. A proper work ethic is important......more or less.
Customer service means the employee is doing the passenger a favor so it is vital the customer sit and listen to the employee air their grievances.
Yes the Democrat way.

Can we pay for the wars at least? Well, let me be specific..:facepalm: Is it okay in your view to raise revenues to pay for the trillion dollars worth of war paid for currently by credit?

(Watch this folks..:o)
Agreed. You forgot revoke lifetime salaries of serving and non-serving
Senate and Congress individuals. When people get fired, they stop getting paid.

Agreed on that. AND, give me term limits on both the Senate and the SCOTUS so these people take their jobs seriously and we get NORMAL turnover -- new citizens with new experiences and ideas...
