Armchair Economist

Let's all be armchair economists since we like to think that we know how to fix this bad economy. So how do you fix this bad economy? What's your plan?
1. End our middle east occupations.
2. Cut Military spending by $500bil
3. Shift that $500 bil to Education and Infrastructure
4. Gather best Tax Attorneys and close all tax loopholes.
5. Cut taxes for 20 years for corps that hire American workers and INSOURCE manufacturing by building plants in this country.
6. Raise taxes for 20 years for corps that don't do anything but offshore everything
7. Create a Gov't certified software programming training program. The major jobs will come from IT/Software not manufacturing.

8. Ban short selling in the stock market.
9. Tear up NAFTA
10. Have Gov't spend $50bill on GREEN TECH sector companies -- with intention of recovering this money in 15 years

11. Revoke destructive Bush tax cuts immediately.

Some of this is fundamental and some of this is psychological. We, the citizens of this country, need to feel like things are changing. Bringing the troops home now sends a single that we're moving on to better things and that peace and diplomacy are our new foreign policy....
$250 Billion savings over 20 years. Genius!

of course, it involves completely fucking over those socialist economy sucking whores known as veterans, but.....
WASHINGTON - The military retirement system has long been considered untouchable - along with Social Security and Medicare. But in these days of soaring deficits, it seems everything is a potential target for budget cutters. A Pentagon-sponsored study says military pensions are no longer untouchable - they're unaffordable.

CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports high-level, closely-held meetings are taking place at the Pentagon regarding a radical proposal to overhaul retirement for the nation's 1.4 million service members - a bedrock guarantee of military service.

The proposal comes from an influential panel of military advisors called the Defense Business Board. Their plan, laid out in a 24-page presentation "Modernizing the Military Retirement System," would eliminate the familiar system under which anyone who serves 20 years is eligible for retirement at half their salary. Instead, they'd get a 401k-style plan with government contributions.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
1. End our middle east occupations.
2. Cut Military spending by $500bil
3. Shift that $500 bil to Education and Infrastructure
4. Gather best Tax Attorneys and close all tax loopholes.
5. Cut taxes for 20 years for corps that hire American workers and INSOURCE manufacturing by building plants in this country.
6. Raise taxes for 20 years for corps that don't do anything but offshore everything
7. Create a Gov't certified software programming training program. The major jobs will come from IT/Software not manufacturing.

8. Ban short selling in the stock market.
9. Tear up NAFTA
10. Have Gov't spend $50bill on GREEN TECH sector companies -- with intention of recovering this money in 15 years

11. Revoke destructive Bush tax cuts immediately.

Some of this is fundamental and some of this is psychological. We, the citizens of this country, need to feel like things are changing. Bringing the troops home now sends a single that we're moving on to better things and that peace and diplomacy are our new foreign policy....

Why do creatures like Bachmann run for office and you're not :dunno:

That plan would be awesome, every damned point of it
1. End our middle east occupations.
2. Cut Military spending by $500bil
3. Shift that $500 bil to Education and Infrastructure
4. Gather best Tax Attorneys and close all tax loopholes.
5. Cut taxes for 20 years for corps that hire American workers and INSOURCE manufacturing by building plants in this country.
6. Raise taxes for 20 years for corps that don't do anything but offshore everything
7. Create a Gov't certified software programming training program. The major jobs will come from IT/Software not manufacturing.

8. Ban short selling in the stock market.
9. Tear up NAFTA
10. Have Gov't spend $50bill on GREEN TECH sector companies -- with intention of recovering this money in 15 years

11. Revoke destructive Bush tax cuts immediately.

Some of this is fundamental and some of this is psychological. We, the citizens of this country, need to feel like things are changing. Bringing the troops home now sends a single that we're moving on to better things and that peace and diplomacy are our new foreign policy....

Titsrock for president:clap:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
1. End our middle east occupations.
2. Cut Military spending by $500bil
3. Shift that $500 bil to Education and Infrastructure
4. Gather best Tax Attorneys and close all tax loopholes.
5. Cut taxes for 20 years for corps that hire American workers and INSOURCE manufacturing by building plants in this country.
6. Raise taxes for 20 years for corps that don't do anything but offshore everything
7. Create a Gov't certified software programming training program. The major jobs will come from IT/Software not manufacturing.

8. Ban short selling in the stock market.
9. Tear up NAFTA
10. Have Gov't spend $50bill on GREEN TECH sector companies -- with intention of recovering this money in 15 years

11. Revoke destructive Bush tax cuts immediately.

Some of this is fundamental and some of this is psychological. We, the citizens of this country, need to feel like things are changing. Bringing the troops home now sends a single that we're moving on to better things and that peace and diplomacy are our new foreign policy....

Dude, those are REALLY good ideas! :thumbsup:
raise rates ! immediately ! normalize them ! and i am fucking serious .... {cont .

zero rates is an aberration -- it does not help the economy ! Look at the Bond market !

nice thread Ice :thumbsup:


So how do you fix this bad economy? What's your plan?

It's multi faceted, but I would start by....

1) Stop exporting our high tech operations to China, among other nations abroad...

Obama recently applauding Jeffery Immelt (CEO GE) for moving the X-ray division of GE over to China from Wisconsin, not to mention the $2 billion in GE's overseas investment.
Adult Image Hosting

Stop doing that you crooks, it's counterproductive... duh :rolleyes:!

2) I'd tell the OPECkers to kiss our ass and I'd make the 30 -40% cleaner burning natural gas available at every fill up station... the auto makers will follow. Natural gas is so available it makes me sick the fact that we're not using it... the shit is everywhere!

During the time we were using nat gas, I'd continue R&D in a sustainable green energy policy ... if there is such a thing.


Legalize marijuana, tax it, legalize and encourage the growth of the hemp industry, tax it. Problems solved, game over, whose face do I replace on Mt. Rushmore?
More stimulus.
Raise taxes to pay for the stimulus.
Add more stimulus.
Raise taxes to pay for the stimulus.
Add more stimulus.
Raise taxes to pay for the stimulus.
Add more stimulus.
Raise taxes to pay for the stimulus.
Add more stimulus.
Raise taxes to pay for the stimulus.
Add more stimulus.

...Just spit balling.
...Natural gas is so available it makes me sick the fact that we're not using it... the shit is everywhere!

Especially in the US. Have you seen how terrible our collective diets are lately?

More stimulus.
Raise taxes to pay for the stimulus.
Add more stimulus.
Raise taxes to pay for the stimulus.
Add more stimulus.
Raise taxes to pay for the stimulus.
Add more stimulus.
Raise taxes to pay for the stimulus.
Add more stimulus.
Raise taxes to pay for the stimulus.
Add more stimulus.

...Just spit balling.

2) I'd tell the OPECkers to kiss our ass and I'd make the 30 -40% cleaner burning natural gas available at every fill up station... the auto makers will follow. Natural gas is so available it makes me sick the fact that we're not using it... the shit is everywhere!

During the time we were using nat gas, I'd continue R&D in a sustainable green energy policy ... if there is such a thing.

Normally your posts are sort of old-timey, antiquated notions from a bygone era or they are simply destructive if taken to their logical conclusion..

However...this makes sense. Sure, Natural Gas is just another fossil fuel and will do nothing for the environment, but we must break our lust for Middle East oil and we must somehow gain Leverage over Big Oil.

A shift toward Natural Gas may do these things. But along with this shift the Gov't needs to STIMULATE and challenge the private sector to create a real Green Fuel. We must wake up and get serious about "the future."
1. Repatriation tax holiday- a tax break for companies bringing back overseas profits to the U.S.
2. End Bush tax cuts
3. Eliminate all tax loopholes
4. Extend payroll tax cuts
5. Streamline patent process
6. Create retraining programs for workers
7. End all oil and gas subsidies
1. Repatriation tax holiday- a tax break for companies bringing back overseas profits to the U.S.
2. End Bush tax cuts
3. Eliminate all tax loopholes
4. Extend payroll tax cuts
5. Streamline patent process
6. Create retraining programs for workers
7. End all oil and gas subsidies

If you added cuts in spending, you would get my vote.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
1. End our middle east occupations.
2. Cut Military spending by $500bil
3. Shift that $500 bil to Education and Infrastructure
4. Gather best Tax Attorneys and close all tax loopholes.
5. Cut taxes for 20 years for corps that hire American workers and INSOURCE manufacturing by building plants in this country.
6. Raise taxes for 20 years for corps that don't do anything but offshore everything
7. Create a Gov't certified software programming training program. The major jobs will come from IT/Software not manufacturing.

8. Ban short selling in the stock market.
9. Tear up NAFTA
10. Have Gov't spend $50bill on GREEN TECH sector companies -- with intention of recovering this money in 15 years

11. Revoke destructive Bush tax cuts immediately.

Some of this is fundamental and some of this is psychological. We, the citizens of this country, need to feel like things are changing. Bringing the troops home now sends a single that we're moving on to better things and that peace and diplomacy are our new foreign policy....

Agreed. You forgot revoke lifetime salaries of serving and non-serving
Senate and Congress individuals. When people get fired, they stop getting paid.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
We should sell the moon to the Chinese so we can knock off some of this National Debt.
More stimulus.
Raise taxes to pay for the stimulus.
Add more stimulus.
Raise taxes to pay for the stimulus.
Add more stimulus.
Raise taxes to pay for the stimulus.
Add more stimulus.
Raise taxes to pay for the stimulus.
Add more stimulus.
Raise taxes to pay for the stimulus.
Add more stimulus.

...Just spit balling.

Cut the capital gains tax rate
Add to national debt to fund tax cuts
Cut income tax rate
Add to national debt to fund tax cuts
Increase Tax abatements for business
Add to national debt to fund tax abatements.
Another round of tax cuts
Add to national debt to fund tax cuts
Tax breaks for Multinational Corporations
Increase jobs in China and Add to national debt to fund tax cuts
More tax cuts is the answer to problems
Add to national debt to fund tax cuts
Declare war no tax increase needed.
Add to national debt to fund war.

Just saying.