Arizona rancher sued by criminals

So according to some of you, people haven't got a visa or who haven't been approved as a legal immigrant should be treated as born and bread American citizens?

sure, why not? I wouldn't object to a society where people are granted privileges based on individual merit and not on something arbitrary that they had no control over, such as birthplace.

or hows this for a crazy idea. based on our current system if your parents are citizens, then you are eligible for citizenship as well. That means a potential pool of at least one newcomer for every two citizens. If me and my wife don't want to have kids, can I give my citizen endorsement to a Mexican instead? makes sense to me. what's the difference?
It was even worse that that :).It was the Washington "Times" they point too for the full article.The times is an extreme right wing newspaper btw for those who do not know about them.Some people just don't get it yet do they titsrocks? The republicans and their right wing friends LOST the last couple elections and are headed to political oblivion if they keep sending out the same old message of hate the newcummers,america is for english speaking whites primarily.

I just posted in another thread that when the economy turns around--because of this stimulus package (and maybe the TARP) exactly WHAT will be the Republican election platform for 2010? "IN SPITE OF OUR EFFORTS, the economy is turning around..":rofl::rolleyes:

How many of these obstructionist, diversionary Republicans will simply lie and say they voted in favor of these bills or better "I WANTED to vote for them, but our leadership told us not to!"

It sure is looking like a Democratic Super Majority for the next 30 years...

The Republicans need to find a new Immigration message. The Racist approach is a loser. Everyone can go back to Youtube vids of a Sarah Palin rally and look at how similar those rallies appear to the old KKK footage of the 1920s/1930s.
I think those "No Tresspassing Danger of Death" signs actually signify a WASTE HAZARD situation, not a warning against illegal immigration....

Companies in Texas (like Chevron) liked to bury their toxic waste near poor settlements and near areas which have become border-crossing paths....
What would you do
If you were asked to give up your dreams for freedom?
What would you do
If asked to make the ultimate sacrifice?

Would you think about all them people
Who gave up everything they had?
Would you think about all them War Vets
And would you start to feel bad?

Freedom isn't free.

It costs folks like you and me
And if we don't all chip in
We'll never pay that bill
Freedom isn't free
No, there's a hefty in' fee.
And if you don't throw in your buck 'o five
Who will?

What would you do
If someone told you to fight for freedom?
Would you answer the call
Or run away like a little ?
'Cause the only reason that you're here
Is 'cause folks died for you in the past
So maybe now it's your turn
To die kicking some ass

Freedom isn't free
It costs folks like you and me
And if we don't all chip in
We'll never pay that bill
Freedom isn't free
Now there's a hefty in' fee
And if you don't throw in your buck 'o five
Who will?

You don't throw in your buck 'o five. Who will?
Oooh buck 'o five
Freedom costs a buck 'o five
This one's easy. No matter what happened beforehand he can't go all vigilante and start kidnapping anyone he suspects as illegals.
All people have civil rights, only citizens have constitutional rights. In any case in neither of those situations are any of those rights that you can go where you want to because you feel like it. I don't have a problem with somebody detaining a criminal, at gunpoint if that's what it takes, until the proper authorities can arrive on scene. It wasn't like the guy keep them in his basement for three months. In fact it seemed pretty quickly that he turned them over. I don't have a problem with somebody shooting said criminal that tires to escape or at least using the force necessary to get them to stop. I don't have a problem with somebody using force, even deadly force, to protect themselves, others, or even their own property. I also don't have a problem with somebody needing to use the force necessary to stop illegal’s from breaking the law. If they are willing to do still do it, then it's obviously the force is inherently not enough.

If it was up to me and I was the government I would put up automated gun turrets with motion and heat sensors that automatically shot anything that moved in a buffer zone along the entire border. I would also tell everybody and put up signs stating that is what was exactly what was going to happen if they got stupid. That way nobody is responsible but the illegals when they die. (Or maybe we could just have a shoot on site policy within the buffer zone with no punishment, like the no man's land between North and South Korea. Then we could charge the Mexican government for the hassle of taking care of it since they are both unable and blatantly unwilling to take care of the problem themselves. Play baby options and responses haven't worked for just about anything in this world. Why do we think they will now.
I don't have a problem with somebody shooting said criminal that tires to protect themselves, others, or even their own property.

How is it self defense if you shoot someone who is trying to get away from you? If they are trying to leave the area, then obviously they aren't an immediate threat to you. No court would ever uphold that.

I also don't have a problem with somebody needing to use the force necessary to stop illegal’s from breaking the law.

Ignoring the fact that citizens are not permitted or responsible for law enforcement, once again, there is no legal basis that allows people to use deadly force outside of self defense. ever hear of due process? people have the right to a trial, not to be executed on the spot, especially for a crime that if found guilty of the penalty often doesn't even entail jail time, but a small fine and deportation. that's just totally ridiculous.

You usually make really intelligent and assertive posts, so I hope that you are being sarcastic here.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I am tired of the debate. If someone crosses the border illegally they are by definition a criminal and should be treated as such.

Now don't take me for an isolationist, I sympathize with the poor souls who make the trek to the U.S. to make a better life for themselves and their families, especially the people who find themselves at the mercy of the real bad guys, the coyotes. But it would be better for everyone if all the immigrants would take the time to process legally.

Those human vultures will bring as many people as possible to a safe house and cram them in with no regard to safety or sanitation and extort more money from them and their family once they're across the border. When the USBP catches these schmucks (the smugglers, not the aliens) they throw every charge at them they possibly can. One of the more serious charges is reckless endangerment.

Erecting the barrier along the U.S/Mexican Border is one measure that has in fact ebbed the tide somewhat. Increased hiring of new Agents and the use of UAVs and other technologies have frustrated both the human smugglers and the drug smugglers to the point where they regularly throw grapefruit sized rocks at USBP vehicles.

Many Mexicans claim the land in question is theirs by right, especially La Raza. To this I simply say their sovereign leader, Juan Antonio de Santa Anna, sold much of the land to the U.S. So what if they sold it for a mere eight million dollars? The point is it was sold and we (and by we I mean Davey Crockett et al) fought for the Republic of Texas. Crying about it now is just sour grapes.

I saw the story of the rancher and I was sickened by the opportunistic lawyers more than anything else. If there ever is any type of judgement in this matter how much money do you think the aliens will receive?