Wow lots of comments to answer
But just before that here's some stuff you guys might enjoy to know and see
April 9, 2011 (7pm eastern time)
I'll be on MFC ( under the username : EyeCandyMandy for a sexy lesbian show with my girl
QT ( it's the
FIRST TIME QT HAVE EVER BEEN ON CAM!! I'm seriously excited for the event and I hope you guys will catch this message and come say hi and maybe drop some tips to us so we can do more naughty things to eachothers? hehe She never had any sexual experience with girls and tomorrow is going to be a premiere!! It's like fucking a virgin for the first time... (can you imagine how excited I am right now!!!!
so there is that news... now I created a profile for myself on MFC:
I'll be doing some webcam shows here and there and you guys are always welcome to join the fun
Now for the comment:
@Fairchild - no it wasn't she's a girl from Montreal, nobody in adult
@faxus - yeah I know.. many of my fans have told me the exact same thing... lol BUT this was only suppose to be a short for a contest. We shot the entire movie in 2 days it was just for fun
There is another mainstream acting project for me coming
a pretty kick ass web series where I'll have a key role
You'll be able to hear me talk no worries
@binaryfission - Tks for backing me up
Nice answer
@johnnyddrunk - Merci sweety
@BrantMOB - I've been a fan of Kate for years!! It's a shame she's not shooting anymore