this is how it works... ArielRebel makes some half-promise of harder content, gets everyone to subscribe at once, then does a small handful of updates that don't meet our expectations. She then waits thirty days or more to make us subscribe for at least another month, then makes another half-promise, and continues this pattern indefinitely... the new updates on her site seem to indicate that regardless of the half-promises and innuendo that she fills her twitter with, that she's going to continue to play the same greedy game with her subscriber base. i think it's notable that the rough draft images of her future site, rebelsownthenet, seems to include a zip store... which is what I believe is her final plan, to continue her old pattern for another year and a half, retire, and then dump all of her hardcore content into the zip store where we'll be forced to pay for year's-old content on top of a subscription fee.
i don't mind that ariel rebel is a tease. that's what i like about her. however, it's her condescending business strategies that i find utterly irritating.