well if doing MORE costs her fans, then the fans she looses are stupid, how can anyone dislike someone for what they do, just dont pay attention to it, what about all the fans that want to see her do hardcore someday, shouldnt be at a loss because of some sappy people
1. Hardcore isn't everyone's cup of tea.
2. Hardcore BG is a huge step beyond softcore or GG and changes
nude photography into sex on camera. And... see number 1.
3. "Fans" thinking "their" idol must make the step into HC ought
to consider point 2. Not everybody wants to have published
(paid) sex because of the fame or money.
To each his/her own, calling other fans with other opinions "stupid" or "sappy people" gives others an insight of your place on the evolutionary stairs, and I'll bet many of them see you from above...
:2 cents: