Are you waiting for Playstation 3 like me? has their story on PS3 out...good read. I like the specs on the PS3, plus the controller fits better in my hands than that big bulky Xbox 360 controller.
Priapus said: has their story on PS3 out...good read. I like the specs on the PS3, plus the controller fits better in my hands than that big bulky Xbox 360 controller.
How did you touch a ps3 controller? They havent even put demo's out yet, and not to be rude, but the 360 controller is not bulky at all unless you have small little hands.
I got the 360 but I also want the ps3 but i read that it is costing sony 800 bucks to make it so I will wait until the price comes down if it is more than 500 bucks. :dunno: :2 cents:
i read somewhere the release date may be pushed back a year and the cost will be somewhere around 900 USD. I doubt i'll fork that much over for one but I'm very interested to see what it can do!
well when the ps2 was released it was state of thje art for the time and it costed 300 euro so i guess ps3 wiill cost maximum 500. not to forget that the 360 costs 400. and they cant prise it way up cause they wont sell.
technically ps3 seems better than the 360 so i will wait as long as it takes
superich said:
Are you waiting for Playstation 3 like me? Or have you already purchased the xbox360 and crossed your fingers? I am definitely waiting for PS3 just curious what you guys are doing?
I'm waitung until the PS3, Xbox360 and Revolution are out before I make my decision.

I'll get either a PS3 or a 360, or I'll go with a gaming PC and a Revolution.
D-rock said:

Has anybody read about this yet? It looks like the release might be delayed. Look at the price it will take to produce it. I don't even think I would want to buy it at anything near that price. Not that it matters to me, I don't plan to get one any time soon.

Sony should have said the PS3 would be delayed a long time ago because there is no way there going to make a spring launch.
You have to remember that when the PS3 comes out its games won't look much different from the Xbox360's.

It'll be later on in the console's lifecycle that you'll start seeing the difference. Games are going to come out and look better on the PS3 than on the X360 because the 360 won't be able to run it with as high quality graphics as the PS3 with a decent framerate. The current Xbox360 games dont' even come close to using all the resources that the Xbox360 provides. It's mind-boggling to even think how nice games are going to look near the end of the system's lifespan.
The 360 is a pretty decent console, but you really do need an HD TV (or an LCD screen at least) to be able to appreciate the graphics. Will the PS3 be better? I should hope so - Sony are certainly taking their time over it. I reckon even if it's not so great, the die-hard Playstation fans will still kid themselves into thinking it's better than the 360. I'm not gonna make my mind up until I've played on one.
Im just waiting for the games. I was thinking about upgrading to a Nvidia 7900GT but when i processed that in my mind my conclusion was that there is no decent game worthy of the card just yet. So im waiting for the PS3 to launh either a new GTA title or Baldurs gate dark alliance 3 otherwise im not really interested at the moment.
With it's November release date. I'm not going to get one at launch. Ken Kutaragi the father of the Playstation has been cocky about the price lately. Saying "that people will get it no matter what the expenses." I won't be one of them if it's $500. That's $600 if a harddrive is mandatory and is not included.
crimson joe said:
With it's November release date. I'm not going to get one at launch. Ken Kutaragi the father of the Playstation has been cocky about the price lately. Saying "that people will get it no matter what the expenses." I won't be one of them if it's $500. That's $600 if a harddrive is mandatory and is not included.
A 60gb harddrive preloaded with Linux isn't really all that expensive... given the size of the unit, you'd assume that it's going to be a desktop harddrive, and not a laptop harddrive like the X360 has in it.
I'm waiting for the PS3 to be released in europe, but i'm not sure if i'll buy it straight away. Might even get myself a HDTV, to enjoy MGS4 :)