I dont really collect porn but i do collect pictures n i have a folder of pics for each girl.
Each one is named and numbered. eg Aria Giovanni.0001
Aria Giovanni.0002
Each one is named and numbered. eg Aria Giovanni.0001
Aria Giovanni.0002
I'm a porn addict, I love pornstars, I love everything about them. But i was curious on how you guys collect your pictures. Like me for example, i collect them by A to Z folders and organize them by names. Right now i have one external hard drive where i stash my porn, my goal is to have 26 external hard drives and each hard drive has one specific letter lol. So how do you guys do it?
I'm currently still organising my pics by name. Luckily I only save 5-10 pics per set, so that saves me a lot of space on my HD.
Once I've done that I want to make a simply database, but in 2-3 years time I still haven't gotten to it.
Anyway, since most sets are about 10x as large as the amount of pics I actually keep, and since they take up 16 GB right now, I'd say that if I kept full sets I'd probably have 160 GB of porn pics on my PC.
I order my folderss by name and the names are the aliases of the adult performers in alphabetical order. Example : JanaC., JanaFoxy, JanaJordan, JanaRocks <-- is the name of 1 folder. Within that folder are once again multiple folders. Each folder contains the pics of 1 set.
I currently have 318 model folders, one of which is called MET-ART, which contains 1173 folders. I haven't put all those folders in main model folders yet, so it looks a bit like the following example: XeniyaA.1; XeniyaA.2; YanaI.1; YanaP.1; YanaP.2 etc. Only models who haven't posed for any other company besides MET (or if I'm not aware they have, or if they look butt ugly in all other shoots besides the MET shoots) are still in this folder.
Once I'm done with the MET-ART folder, it'll look like this: XeniyaA; YanaI; YanaP; etc. (of course every folder will then have it's own subfolders)
I hope, but I honestly have to say I doubt that this message made any sense.
I've always try to do collect my pictures but i always end up getting caught by my parents or girlfriends. Like for example i had subscribed to twisty's and mac and bumble and i got all the names of porn stars, just the name no pictures so that way i could back and then get them. I manage to finish A all the way threw Z but i was caught so they cleaned out the pc. Then same thing happend with my ex's doing the same fucking thing with there laptop and once again i was caught. So now im living alone and im starting all over again, FINALLY lol
Untill now I have almost 1,5 TB of porn.
holy shit. 1.5 tetrabytes? is that a typo? did you mean 1.5 GB?
holy shit. 1.5 tetrabytes? is that a typo? did you mean 1.5 GB?
So I guess I´m a porn freak.