Are you on drugs?


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There has been talk about it before but... well, where to start. Questions questions.

Do you take them? Which ones? How long have you been doing them? I've never injected anything but I have smoked heroin which can become dangerous, or lead you to inject, which then gets very dangerous. What about crack? I've tried it a couple of times and thought it was good but left it alone on the whole. Meth? I took this a few times without realising (when speed seemed to be on its way out). Or how about ecstacy - you know - pills? Do you do these. D'you think they're bad for you? Do you really know what's in them? Are you a coke-user? How much do you get through, and what are the consequences of cocaine use where you live and elsewhere?

Or perhaps you just smoke a bit a weed now and then, and turn a blind eye to the fact that You Might be pumping money into the same smuggling industry that ships other contraband.

How do drugs affect your community? Is that a good enough reason to avoid them? Maybe your friends or loved ones have succumbed to drug abuse...

Or what about penalties - is it worth getting caught? Where you live, are there tough consequences for getting caught with drugs? Does it put you off?

Rather than hear about everyone's LSD experiences, which can be about as interesting as hearing about other people's dreams, I wanted to hear some folks' thoughts on drugs in general.

Fire away. :thumbsup:


I've taken weed, cocaine and E on more than one occasion. Also a big shout-out to Valium, isn't really much of a drug, until you take half a box. Seemed to have a reverse affect on me. I went insane and stole someones front door.

I don't make a regular thing out of drug taking, just every now and again.
I'm on weed right NOW!!

But seriously, I smoke weed pretty much every day. I had a little cocaine this weekend even though I only do that about once a year. Tried E a few times. Tried an Oxy once...didnt feel too much.

I will NEVER try crystal meth, because every person I see hooked on it on TV looks like a total whack job. That stuff can really change a person.....from what I see.

And the war on drugs isn't so bad here in Canada. I've never even heard of anyone getting arrested for weed. The cops just take it away from you.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Hate weed. It just makes me more forgetful, slower and the fridge ends up fucking empty. That makes it expensive in my book. I like.. enhancement drugs. Call me Barry Bonds if you want. :p

Coke and adderall are my faves. Down or snort some of those and you're truly alive for a few hours.. or a few days. You clean your house twice over, you play rock band on expert and perfect each song... your ex gf comes over and you fuck her till she bleeds. (record orgasms: 32 on her side! In 2 hours! GUAH HAH! Just ignore her telling you she's had enough. Put another drop of astroglide in her hole and keep going. KEEP GOING!)

Not to mention the dietary effect doing uppers has. At one point in time when I'd been with my girl for 5 years and just had that married guy look.. youknow the one.. doesnt care if he gets laid or not, weighs 50 pounds over what he wants to be.. ya know. THAT one. I was at fucking 210 on my tiny assed 5'9 frame and found it hard to get my nut off in my girl. I just kept eating.. and.. UGH! NOOO!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I'm smoking medical weed!

Yeah. and the doctor I dont have .. he prescribed me a medical fleshlight for medical use on my MEDICAL DICK! Ya medical liar.
Done plenty in my time, purely recreationally medicinal however.

Ibuprofen is my drug of choice these days.
I haven't done anything harder than weed and that's the way it will stay.

I personally knew two persons that died on heroin overdose, so that will work as a warning for me.
It sucks to be at your friends funeral, especially when you are only 19y/o.
I don't do anything now. About the only physically/mentally altering substances that I consume are energy drinks, and a beer every now and then.

In the past, I've fucked around with shit here and there, mostly weed. I've tried peyote, weed, coke, and sniffing paint thinner (hey, you gotta find a way to get high when you're 14 and broke).
"You know I've smoked a lot of grass. O' Lord, I've popped a lot of pills ..."

Yeah, I was an idiot for a few the only thing I addicted to is nicotine, and I am gradually weaning myself off of that. :mad:


Postal Paranoiac
What drugs? This shit is all legal now, isn't it???
Obviously. :rolleyes:

Yes, I have tried quite a few things. Weed mostly, you really should try weed sprayed with LSD its a riot :1orglaugh :rolleyes:. Cocaine, ecstasy and speed are but a few of the mind altering substances I've dabbled with.

But not in a few years. Weed once in a while but thats all.