Alyssa Rose
Official Checked Star Member
Tonight I saw two homeless men on the side of the road. I was stopped at a red light and I watched them for a minute. They took turns helping each other make a bed with their sleeping bags on the sidewalk, both were smiling and laughing. One of the guys didn't have a pillow so the other one put his in the middle of their "beds".. Then they shared water from what looked like a well used water bottle. When the light changed I didn't even want to move because I was so interested in watching these homeless men. Two people who literally have NOTHING yet they care enough to help one another. Even though both of them knew that the other person couldn't offer them anything more than half a pillow and a little water, they still treated each other so kindly. We drive by in our cars and go home to our houses that are filled with furniture and pictures and food. If we see someone crying on the street we avoid eye contact and keep walking. We don't even share a pillow with our significant other let alone a friend who doesn't have one. We get upset that our paycheck is less than what we thought it should be so now we can't afford to go out to eat this week. We get mad because we're not getting enough hours at work or because we're not making enough money but you know what? At least we aren't on the side of the road sharing a pillow with someone waiting for a miracle. Each and every one of us have it better than those two men yet we somehow still find stuff to complain about.. We still find a reason to be upset. If two people who have literally nothing can find a reason to smile, why can't we?
Let's try that thing called happiness♥
What is one thing that you know you take for granted?
I personally take my shoes for granted.. I'm obsessed with buying new shoes and in a months time I forget about them..
Let's try that thing called happiness♥
What is one thing that you know you take for granted?
I personally take my shoes for granted.. I'm obsessed with buying new shoes and in a months time I forget about them..
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