Are you going to the missfreeones party?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Can I watch?
Nope. LA is too far from SF. Now, if they threw a party at one of the local clubs like I've been begging them since they started the Freeones Parties schtick, I would definitely be in attendance. What's wrong with having a party in SF? You know, the Condor was the first topless bar in California, and the O'Farrell Theater was the first adult theater in California. How about a party at one of those historic locations?

Just saying...
Nope. LA is too far from SF. Now, if they threw a party at one of the local clubs like I've been begging them since they started the Freeones Parties schtick, I would definitely be in attendance. What's wrong with having a party in SF? You know, the Condor was the first topless bar in California, and the O'Farrell Theater was the first adult theater in California. How about a party at one of those historic locations?

Just saying...

FreeOnes Reality Update to Gunslingingbird:

Get a clue. :hatsoff:



I have a fear of meeting some of my favorite pornstars and them not living up to my expectations of perfection that I've attributed to them whether they've earned it or not. I could go, I can board trains or hitchhike across the US, live off highway Mcdonald reststops for a few days. But its not worth the risk of having my flawless image of pornstars ruined.

mr google

I'll pop in if I'm invited by a section OCSM.;)


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Failure!!! The whip crack sound would be:


Maybe if you stopped sobbing during our Wednesday night bondage sessions you'd hear the sounds of the whip cracking on you and be able to make a goddamn proper onomatopoeia of it!! :mad:

"Whoo"? How on earth would leather travelling through air go "whoo"? What is it a fucking Phil Collins fan or something!?

Nope, I'm sorry the failure is on you my friend. "Hwa" sounds far better within my own mind than your "whoo" does.

Oh. Do not underestimate my education level. Let alone my verbose lexicon I have amassed throughout the years of my life. I thank you for the kind words, good sir!

You heard me! Do not try to get out of your failing!

Eat. My. Ass!

You back peddling, Will E Worm wannabe, son of a bitch!

Hohohoho!....You two are a made for sitcom duo. All that's missing is the canned laughter/woohs and the underlying sexual tension.:D
Throw in Dirk as the guy who interjects with a funny catchphrase that send the audience reeling and you are set for the season..
If everyone doesn't stop name calling and being rude, I'm going to start banning people immediately, no questions asked.

Of course, all my power lies in my mind...