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Are you for or against the death penalty?

Death Penalty?

  • For

    Votes: 61 54.0%
  • Against

    Votes: 43 38.1%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 9 8.0%

  • Total voters
I'm for the death penalty. If you kill someone just to do it, during a robbery, or rape. You deserve to die faster then the jury can say guilty. Screw all of these 25 appeals these people get. Granted now we are getting people off death row who never should be on there to begin with due to advances in technology. Also now the people being put on death row are there by evidence to strong to get them off.

Also I'm all for punishment that if you just rape someone without killing them you get your penis cut off. If you rob somebody you get a hand chopped off. This is still used in countries and should still be used in more.
Over 1000 children are murdered in America each year by their parents alone, and there were 59 executions in the same country last year. No penalty is going to work if used so sparingly. And if capital punishment is not a deterrent, where does that put jail? Isn't jail a weaker penalty still?

You can suggest a non-violent way to deal with murder. There's even evidence that if people don't eat junk food, they're less violent. Great! But if we experiment with this and that, that and this, how many children will be murdered as we experiment (and possibly fail to find a non-violent solution)? A single execution is treated as such a disaster (by some), so why is it so acceptable to make guinea pigs of the innocent?

Capital punishment compares to murder the way imprisonment compares to kidnapping. Would you say putting a kidnapper in jail is a kidnapping in itself?
The innocent must come first. NOT giving a criminal what he gave must come second to protecting children. And if the death penalty doesn't work in the long run, so what? Would you regret putting kidnappers in jail if that didn't seem to work in the long run?

Let's not confuse privileges with inalienable rights.


Retired Moderator
I remember a quote I once read in college, it pretty much sums up how I feel about the death penalty for capital crimes.

"If we execute murderers and there is in fact no deterrent effect, we have killed a bunch of murderers. If we fail to execute murderers, and doing so would in fact have deterred other murders, we have allowed the killing of a bunch of innocent victims. I would much rather risk the former. This, to me, is not a tough call." John McAdams
i say if u kill them ur giving them the easy way out. make them suffer put them in a maximum security prison where they will hold the soap with the tightest of grips way to afraid to drop it, where they will have to constantly watch their back in a prison full of gangsters ready to pounce in my opinion they should pay the hard way. death isn't punishment but being punded in prison, now thats punishment
Def. for, just disgruntled it's not used more often.
Bring back the gallows @ the town square. Every saturday afternoon lynch a couple w/o the hoods. Sear into the minds, the image of what can happen if convicted of a crime punishable by this act.
Society want's their justice, but they're too pussified to punish the crime.
While the pain of losing a loved one is indeed great, I am oppossed to the death penalty. To me, it seems to show the hipocrisy present in society in that our very own government, our very own people are doing to their own kind that which they sought to prevent. In what sense do people find their justification in taking a life, to make things right? The death penalty, in my distorted opinion is not entirely necessary.
Anon 213 said:
While the pain of losing a loved one is indeed great, I am oppossed to the death penalty. To me, it seems to show the hipocrisy present in society in that our very own government, our very own people are doing to their own kind that which they sought to prevent. In what sense do people find their justification in taking a life, to make things right? The death penalty, in my distorted opinion is not entirely necessary.

I tend to agree with you.


Anon 213 said:
While the pain of losing a loved one is indeed great, I am oppossed to the death penalty. To me, it seems to show the hipocrisy present in society in that our very own government, our very own people are doing to their own kind that which they sought to prevent. In what sense do people find their justification in taking a life, to make things right? The death penalty, in my distorted opinion is not entirely necessary.

I like your post. Well put.
Against the death penalty. I am so glad we don't have it in this country! I think restorative justice and rehabilitiation are better options. Somebody said above (can't remember who sorry) that we set crims up to fail. I agree. It's a systemic failure in part, not a personal one. Shouldn't the ideal of 'life being precious' encourage putting people back on the right track?

Moving away from my personal opinions a little bit - how would you pro-death folk feel about manual labour? Not in the concentration-camp sense onf the term, but chain gang type stuff. You know, building roads etc. I think that's a far better idea than killing. But not as good as rehab :)
I'm all for forced labor. What good is sticking these useless shitbags in a climate controlled cell with 3 hots & a cot & no apparent punishment except their loss of freedom which they obviously don't appreciate it once they get out since the majority are repeat offender's. Oh yeah, i'd still like to see them ramp up more executions as well for murderers, rapists, & pedophiles. Rehabilitation really work's on this lot :rolleyes:
Can you back that statement up with any figures, or is it just emotive bullshit?

Rahabilitation does work. Trust me, it's my mother's job to help rehabilitate criminals in jail (her particular focus and job is parenting skills).
knave said:
Can you back that statement up with any figures, or is it just emotive bullshit?

Rahabilitation does work. Trust me, it's my mother's job to help rehabilitate criminals in jail (her particular focus and job is parenting skills).

I don't want or feel the need to search for facts & figures,all i have to do is read or watch the news every day as it pertains to released offenders REPEATING their crimes. The plight of some vermin that rapes 80 year old women, or beats to death a crying infant doesn't tug @ my heartstrings. I couldn't give a shit if they live to see the next sunrise.
I'm not going to get in a pissing match over this topic, if you don't like my "emotive bullshit", too bad.
Well I'm sorry to hear you take everything on the news at face value. I understand how you feel about repeat offenders, which is exactly why rehabilitation is important. But hey, I agree: let disagree :)
I think we have to be careful about forced labor. I don't mind having someone do labor as a punishment as long as it isn't turned into an excuse to torture them. What I see is wrong with it is that somebody is going to use the labor for their own self gain, instead of the gain of society as a whole. I can just see some local business owner that is friends with certain state officials and needs a source of cheap labor. They will just go have the prisoners do it instead of paying normal people a decent wage. That way he makes out good and nobody else gets anything.


I think they should just not let murderers or serial rapists or pedophiles out ever. To me it is not societies' job to punish people - just protect the public.
And to those that say that would be too expensive to house them for life.
Just throw them in solitary and give them the basics for survival; nothing more. A cell, water and food and that's it. They stay in their cell 24 hours a day and they get a newspaper, a pad of paper and a pencil a week - that's it. If they can't read - they are given books to help them - but no teaching. There would be minimal need for guards. No fights cause they bunk alone. They try to kill themselves - let them. And if they want more they have to work for it. The prisoners have to work together and produce something that creates profit for them. Work gangs, cheap manufacturing, whatever.
If they don't work together and make the profits; they all just sit and rot.
Barring the mentally unwell; they would work - imo. And problem solved. They pay for their own incarceration and are kept away from society for the rest of their lives - no matter what.
And they decide what standard of incarcerated living they want - if they work together for it. Want cigarettes - work for it. Want exercise period - work for it to earn the money to pay the guards to oversee you while you exercise. Want to watch tv - earn the money to buy the televsion and pay for the cable and pay for the guards time to oversee a group watching television.
Frankily, I think ALL violent criminal detention facilities should be based on this premise. No luxuries unless you earn them.
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i am very opinionated abou the death penalty...... i cant pinpoint one way or the other i fall. and for whatever reason. im at a standstill. so unsure for me
personally i could not be more againsty it at all.

Firstly because i dont feel anyone has the right to decide who lives or dies.
somebody earlier said that we should try to see it from the perspective of the victims family. Surley the same could be said for the innocents who are on death row and in turn their famies. Moreover, should the family of the criminal be punshied by the years of waiting for his execution/appeals etc.... is it right to punish a whole family for opne members actions?. im sure they will end up suffering more than the person who will be executed.
IMO the answe is no.

no matter how convincing some of the arguments for the death penalty have been i just cannot agreee with it.
im for the death penalty. some people call it "revenge" killing, or state sanctioned murder, and im ok with it. this whole "no one has the right to kill" blah blah blah argument is meaningless. society has rules, and if you choose to be a schmuck and not follow them, then you deserve to die, point blank. and as far as some inoccent people being wrongfully executed, hey, you cant make an omlett without breaking a few eggs, unfortunatly some inoccents will get put to death, but we shouldnt through the baby out with the bath water. IMHO the chinese have it right, shoot the guilty party and charge his/her family the cost of the bullet.