I don't think they should be allowed to adopt children because their lifestyle is not natural or healthy.
Let me make this clear: I have nothing against gay people, no problem at all, don't give a shit what they do.
Then let them adopt unwanted kids which are stuck in all sorts of far less desirable, and virtually love-free, situations.
Caring, love, responsibility knows know gender, knows no "natural law" (even though animals do engage in homosexuality), etc...
But you can't tell me they're normal or natural or any other such bullshit because they're not.
That very statement means you are judging them, so you do have something against two people of the same gender living together.
What if they aren't having sex?
What if they are just friends?
Don't think it happens?
It does.
They're wrong, plain and simple.
They're not natural, they're fucked up, and as a result, in my opinion shouldn't be raising children.
What about single mothers raising children? Single fathers?
What about all of the unhealthy marriages, people "living in sin" and countless other judgments?
Why are you singling out those living together of the same sex and not countless others?
Yes, we seem to have been brainwashed into believing that a same sex relationship is equally as valid as a M/F one.
I don't think many are arguing this, and some believe having a male and female guardian
is the best contrast.
But with a
majority of kids growing up without that, and countless other "situations" that are undesirable, what's wrong with two loving guardians of the same sex?
This is because political correctness believes that if you want something to be true then it is true.
No, our world is very much politically
incorrect because most kids are growing with
without what you say.
But life in its essentials is this.
You are born, you reproduce and you die.
That is how our species survives and why we have the necessary equipment for reproduction.
So "proper" loving and caring is related to the ability to reproduce?
Could you please explain all of the unwanted children out there? The unplanned pregnancies?
Get this,
an adoption is planned, an adoption is wanted.
God forbid two responsible, caring, loving adults want to become guardians of such calculated motives.
I'm all for that!
Biology is sexist, we are biological units yet we try to pretend otherwise.
Animals still have homosexual relationships, adopt "partners" of the same sex, live an entire life without reproducing and aren't promiscuous.
Yes, it's far from the norm, but it happens.
When you have two people dedicated to each other, it's rather nice to see in my view, regardless of whether they are having sex, are of the same sex, etc...
The problem with having two same sex parents is the lack of a role model.
And a male and female guardian is a guarantee of that?
And what about single parents?
And single parents who gain assistance from the government?
I guess when all other arguments fail, my American Libertarian ideals rule.
My vote (and massive income tax) says the government
should encourage two-adult households from a sheer fiscal standpoint.
It reduces the burden on the rest of society, increases responsibility, and
sets the best example of guardianship.
I could give a rats what the two adult relationship is, it just needs to be responsible.
God knows the male-female relationship shows no guarantee of that, and is a great minority today.
I never had to be told how to act because my father set an example.
How I would have ended up with no father but two mothers or with two fathers I don't know.
What about one mother?
I cannot believe how many people focus on the male-female guardian combination as if it guaranteed.
It is not remotely guaranteed to be healthy, fruitful or otherwise, much less it is the continuing
minority today.
The example of "judgment" we show our kids today is rather fucked up and unhealthy.
If people accepted the values of others, our kids would be far less confused and judgmental themselves.
They would be more focused on other things like bettering themselves than judging themselves against others.
No wonder the bar keeps dropping lower.
We want to point and blame others for it, but it's our own "relative superiority feeling" that is causing it.