Are you better off or worse off since Obama took office?

Are you better off or worse off since Obama took office?

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This thread is fucking dumb. Should be "are you better off since Bush's term ended" or "Are you upset that we didnt get a president with super powers in 08". And whoever said mccain we would be better off :1orglaugh. Thanks for the laugh.


This moron caters to people who abuse the system. Free hand outs. A lot of black people do this. Sit on their asses and get paid. Not all but a lot. White folks too. But it's a stereotypical black thing.

Perhaps I should have said mexican? More specifically, illegal immigrants. "what you crossed the border illegally?" "Here have free health care and free college!" Stupid mother fucker!:mad:

Geez Legz racist much? So you think something is a stereotype and you repeat it? Awfully big of you. And you need to get some facts straight about what is handed out because you are clearly not educated on the subject.
I would say things are not better, but not because of Obama. Obama just happen to take over right after Bush filled the toilet. I'm still waiting for that toilet to be flushed, but things keep getting worse. So I really don't know who to blame anymore.
:2 cents:
I'm not better off, and Obama is part of the blame.
Obama is definitely not the strongest or ballsiest president we've had, and I have only a limited amount of sympathy for his having to deal with what Bush left him with, but the tea partiers have been trying to sabotage him as much as they can ever since he was elected. I am usually the last person to cry racism, because I hate when that card gets played, but I can't help but sense a conspiracy on their part. They don't want him to succeed and they're willing to tear down both parties (not just democrats), and the country, and even the world, just to prevent this one individual from looking competent. It's working. So wherever he doesn't fail on his own, they do everything in their power to see to it that he fails further.
Of course then we've got our congress who are acting like a class of school kids when the teacher isn't in the room, or when they have a substitute. That's how they see Obama. They do what they get away with, and the president has very little conviction.
I have a splinter in my finger now and I didn't have one before Obama was elected so I'd say I'm definitely worse off.

(My throat is a bit scratchy I think I might be coming down with something too...)

Fucking Obama!:hairpull:
I am better off because I have worked my ass off. The POTUS has very little to do with how you are doing. You are where you are because of your own choices.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I would say worse off in the beginning, but I also went through a divorce around the same time the recession started and he took office. That wasn't pleasant. So far this year has been much better.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I am better off because I have worked my ass off. The POTUS has very little to do with how you are doing. You are where you are because of your own choices.

There was a time when I could have fully agree with that. But as I started taking more time to look around, I noticed how much luck and chance play into the equation for many people (a buddy of mine calls it the Lucky Sperm Club: people born on third base, yet claim they hit a triple). For a lot of us, what you're saying is definitely true. But for others, they didn't choose to be born with physical or emotional handicaps, didn't get to choose who their parents would be, didn't get to choose what country they'd be born in, etc.

But yeah, I guess for the average person (born in the U.S.), a lot of it does come down to wise vs. unwise choices. But even then, the policies made by those WAY up the chain of command will have an affect on you, at least from time to time. Most of what I do is automotive related. Let's say McCain/Palin had been elected, instead of Obama. I'm fairly certain they would have allowed GM, Chrysler and (eventually) Ford to go under. And there's little doubt in my mind that I would have joined the others who would have been in the 20%+ unemployment stat. And even if I'd jumped back into my sideline incomes, banks weren't lending, so real estate and banking would have been out of the question too. In other words, I would have been pretty well fucked if a truly clueless administration had gotten in. I have issues with Obama too. But given the alternative (especially if McCain had died or gotten sick and left the Queen of the Goobers in charge), I'm not really complaining a whole hell of a lot right now. There are situations, out of our control, that very few of us would be able to work our way out of.

Just :2 cents:

P.S. Good post though. I agree with the overall the sentiment.
My private health insurance has gone from $440 a month to $825 under this current Government. So much for healthcare being affordable. I make too much to get free handouts and not enough to afford these prices. :(

Why is your private insurance even $440 a month? What plan do you have? I live in the New Jersey area and I have a good health plan that only costs me $150 month. And your health insurance provider is fucking you not Obamacare. A good amount of Obamacare hasn't even taken effect yet. The health insurance companies were just waiting for a reason to raise your premiums. They would have done it anyway with a different excuse.

I am doing better under Obama than under Bush. I don't really think it has to do with Obama though. Just the way things are. But the question didn't ask that.

I'm so tired of hearing right wing assholes bash Obama. If anything they should love him because he hasn't changed all that much. We are still in Iraq and Afghanistan with no serious attempt to get out(the withdrawal only puts us back to the numbers we were at when Obama took office). Obama is trying to expand health care just like Bush did(part D). Obama extended the Bush tax cuts and stepped up the TSA that Bush started.

Daisy Lynn

Official Checked Star Member
Why is your private insurance even $440 a month? What plan do you have? I live in the New Jersey area..

My premium had remained the same for 3 years before it was mandated that everyone has to own it. Of course that's a reason for the crooked insurers to raise their rates. The Government gave them the green flag.

I have a plan from BC/BS that provides for my little one as well as me and is the best available around here with the lowest co-pays. It provides Routine, Emergency care, Dental as well as Eye. I have to have full coverage with a child and I am not interested in no name insurance that is just declined or has ridiculous co-pays.

The whole point according to our President was this new "Affordable Healthcare" plan of his was it was supposed to make it affordable for Middle Class and the poor (even though the poor already got free care). I'm middle class and it only raised my premiums, not sure how his affordable healthcare plan was supposed to help anyone but Politicians and Government. I'm also not really sure how adding an additional tax to Tanning Salon visits in his Healthcare bill was supposed to make my insurance cheaper? The reality is it's just another way to overtax the already overtaxed middle class. The healthcare insurers have been in bed with the Government for years and now the President has forced everyone to climb in there with them. I have never liked healthcare insurers and I know they're crooks, but now it's even worse.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Daisy Lynn, if you're paying $825/month (at the age of 21) for you and your child, you're really getting ripped off (assuming there are no pre-existing conditions or large claims in your past). I'm not trying to give you financial advice here, but have you considered trying to get into a group plan? You're paying more than a friend of mine who has medical issues and his wife, who is morbidly obese with diabetes. I dropped my broker's license years ago. But if the healthcare reform hadn't passed (negating pre-existing condition clauses) and I wanted to just do private consulting for awhile, one idea I had was to get my license back and join a National Association of Realtors group health plan. They have different plans and you have to make sure you can find one that would fit your needs. But at $825/month, I would definitely do some digging and look for other options. Trust me, getting a real estate license isn't that hard and paying the NAR dues isn't that bad - especially if it'll save you several hundred dollars a month. But like I said, that's just an idea.

I'm in a group plan now (for the time being) and my rates actually went down (with my covered benefits going up) when we switched providers this year. So if your rates have gone up almost 90% (when more people in the system should lower costs and many/most of the provisions haven't even kicked in yet), time to look around.


I assume you mean financially? With respect to personal finances, I'm substantially better off. Although the feces seems to be hitting the air conditioner (again) right now, up until the downturn of the past few weeks, things have been good. The industry I work in had been really slow after the Japanese quake. But now we're working like mad to catch up back orders. My 2011 third quarter bonus should be the best I've seen since 2005-06. And I plan to take that money and park it in my brokerage account... and wait for a good bottom in the S&P. Just like in 2008-09, while others were screaming that the sky was falling, capitalism was dead and they lost faith in our financial system and form of government, I'll buy. When the slow-witted widows and orphans are committing suicide and hiding their money in mattresses, that tends to be the best buying opportunity. The only thing stopping me from taking a taste today is this sharp sell-off could trigger margin calls, and that COULD cause another wave of selling over the next couple of days. But there's a lot of good stuff trading for around book value RIGHT now. No point in trying to catch a falling knife. But soon... soon, I think. :)

But right now I do have some hard feelings against Obama. I think he has shown very weak leadership and a lack of negotiating skills. I realize that it's hard (damn hard!) to negotiate with crazy and stupid people. But still, I think he's been playing his cards wrong since about February of this year. He should have followed the budget roadmap laid out by (his own) Simpson-Bowles Commission. IMO, Obama should have jumped out front and used his position to sell that to the American people. And then let the people either support him or not - the majority supported a mix of cuts and an elimination of sweetheart tax breaks. But instead, he sat back and kept his head down until the barbarians were at the gates of the city. A BIG part of the reason S&P downgraded our credit rating was because of the idiotic fighting between the Dems, the Repubs and the Tea baggers... which did not produce a deal that was anything more than window dressing.

So I still say Bill Maher was right when he said: "We have a Democrat party with no balls... and a Republican party with no brains!"

Which term was it '00 or '04 when you voted for bush and why?

What is a democrat with balls? :confused: