Are you addicted and don't want sex?

Seems pretty far fetched for sure. If it is true, which I doubt, then you should stop doing this activity and all other sexual activities immediately as this can not be healthy.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Multiple choice:
Which statement/statements are true?
1. jacking24hrs is "addicted to the hand".
2. jacking24hrs types all in bold.
3. jacking24hrs has created one of the dumbest threads of the day.
4. We are all dumber for having read this post.

a. Statement 1 is true
b. Statement 3 is true
c. Statements 2 and 4 are true
d. All of the above

Hmm...I choose (e).

Statement 1 is complete :bs:
Statements 2, 3 and 4 are true, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
FYI... compulsive masturbation can cause severe health problems.

leading to poor memory

I've been wacking it since I was 7.

No wonder why my psychiatrist is always asking me if I have any memory problems.

Why I remember just the other day that...... oh shoot. I forgot what I was going to say.
I'd seek professional help. You Might claim to be happy now, but you may wake up one day and be sad that this addiction has cost you relationships that most people crave and eventually need in their having a wife and child. If its so bad that you don't enjoy sex anymore...then yeah its a problem. Because sex is awsome, and a lifetime of solitude with your hand isn't healthy for you socially and emotionally. Even though it seems like a "fun" addiction, no addiction is EVER good for you. Especially when it keeps you from running a normal life.

But yes, the BS flag is coming up for me too, but...ehh who knows. I'm sure some people take it to extremes, just like with yeah.


Its a troll but highly elightening nonetheless.....Good replies from all.
Finally something I don’t have to remember to take exactly 5 or 4 hours before having sex. I started taking Virection everyday with the rest of my vitamins, and now everything is ready to go all the time and anytime.

I tried VIRECTION too, in concert with the rest of my vitamins, and after six weeks I got the results I was hoping for, my testicles atrophied to the size of Jujubes.

I'd grown weary of them always being in the way, of sitting on them (ouch!), having them struck by flying objects (triple ouch!), you all know the this was a perfect, non surgical, outcome. THANK YOU VIRECTION :bowdown:


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I don't get it, so the thread poster is selfish....whoa that goldfish just laughed at me.