yeah, that is what I don't get. Even if you eat meat, I can't understand why anyone would be opposed to treating animals in a humane manner? how fucked up are you that you like torturing animals or just don't care.
I don't believe that people don't care, I think that they just don't know, or they don't think that they can make a difference. You can refuse to buy products from companies that mistreat their animals and tell other people to do the same.
It's not always easy to tell and a lot of times you can't know for sure, but you can at least make the effort and look at the package of food you are buying. You should be doing that anyway, you are about to put something in your body and you don't even know anything about it? You can always go out on a limb and tell the company that you don't like the way that their animals are treated. they may not listen to you, but if enough people did, then they would, and that is why there are companies that do treat them humanely- because it makes business sense for them to do so.
Also, here's an update about my friend I mentioned earlier. That weak, puny little wimp vegetarian is now in the United States Marine Corp.
So if you are hating on vegetarians, it means that you don't support our troops! :tongue: