Women do have a lot of power but I wouldn't say they're quite dominant. Their power lies in the fact that knuckleheaded naive and pussy thirsty men don't realize exactly how much power she has.
Women have the legal/court system pretty much in their pocket. In the event of an assault, the police are more than likely to blame and incarcerate the man even if she was the one that initiated the assault. Women can even go so far as to falsely accuse a guy of rape with zero consequence, even if the false accusation causes him to lose out of scholarships, gets him kicked out of school, fired from a job or anything else.
While men are stronger physically, women are better liars and manipulators and are capable of controlling weak minded men.
There may be more men that hold political office, but more laws and regulations are passed in favor of women because women are the majority of the voters in this country. Therefore politicians tend to cater more to their needs over men, yet they're still able to play the victim card and make themselves be seen as "helpless." There are more woman-only spaces throughout the world for all kinds of things, yet male-only spaces is seen as being sexist and women will try to ban them and make them more open to women.
At any given time, women have the pick of hundreds of different men due to the internet and social media and yet it is somehow a man's "job" to take care of her, spoil her, and go out of his way to make her life easier. If you don't fit into your role as protector and provider, you're seen as "not being a real man."
Thanks to their pussy, a woman has the ability to be treated as a queen without having to work very hard, or at all if she wants, for that privilege. A man could work two or sometimes three jobs only be to seen as someone doing what he's supposed to do. And in terms of marriage, the second she gets bored she can divorce and take up half the shit he earned (50% of marriages end in divorce in this country; the majority of divorces are asked for by women), even if she's the one that cheated on him.
At some point, it became a social responsibility to put the well being of women over the well being of men. People have make jokes about this in the past, but in the cliched burning building scenario, who do you think the firefighers are going to try to rescue first, men or women? If you're a man and don't protect a women, you're automatically seen as some bitch. Women love to talk about how tough they are, and how they're every bit as capable of doing anything a man can do, yet when it comes time for them to be protected or coddled, have no problem playing the "weak and fragile" woman in order to gain sympathy and protection.
In the event of a draft, who do you think is going to war, men or women?
More women graduate from college with bachelors and masters degrees, there are more women in the work field than men, yet women are still able to cry about a wage gap myth (that hasn't existed in nearly 40-50 years) and no one calls them out on their misguided bullshit which only results in more woman only programs to get them into more jobs.
Women have all the reproductive rights while men have none or very little and are even entitled to financial support because of it. If a woman doesn't want a child, she doesn't have to have it despite what the man wants. If she does want the child, the guy is then obligated to pay even if he doesn't want it, even if she went through scandalous means to get pregnant such as poking holes in the condom or lying about being on the pill. Women can even siphon money out of men to pay for children that don't even belong to him. A wife can get pregnant from another man, lie to her husband and say that it's his, and the courts will still make the husband pay her child support.
I sure wish there was a "Men's Study" major in college. (I don't really, but you get what I'm trying to say, hopefully)
The majority of the power women have comes from the men not realizing that they're giving them power. Women can and often play victim role and if you don't rush to protect her or at the very least agree with her, then you're automatically a misogynist and are seen as evil. Of course women are free to actually hate men all they want and they're just seen as sticking up for themselves. Misogyny is 100% demonized while misandry for the most part is accepted without question.
I'm going to end this with a quote which should sum this up nicely: {woman speaking}
"I love how I can state my absurd, sexist, offensive opinions in public and girls agree with me because we're girls and we all think alike, in spite of the fact we claim all women are different and men will never call us out on our bullshit because they want to get laid, and even though none of them are getting lucky with me, they think they have a shot if they just agree with me enough. I support feminism because women are under privileged and you know if you disagree with me you won't get laid. So just continue sitting there nodding your head in agreement.... I am going to act like a spoiled brat, treat you like shit, I'm going to be jealous and controlling, and you probably won't get laid. But nonetheless you're going to jump through every hoop, put up with my shit, and do whatever I tell you in an effort to gain my trust, which is really just an effort to get into my pants. You're trying to use me for sex and I'm using you for everything BUT sex. The difference here is, I'll get everything I use you for, you'll never get laid, and you'll still end up looking like the bad guy because all you were thinking about is sex."