TOS was unreal for its time, Enterprise dorked with the history ...
I have been a big Star Trek fan for years. I have seen all episodes of TNG, DS9 and VOY. I have never watched the TOS or ENT. TOS was too old for me, it was was made long before I was born. I didn't care for ENT because it was a prequel and so is the new movie btw

. My favorite series would have to be DS9:thumbsup:
TOS was unreal for its time. It wasn't just a "Sci Fi." And it wasn't just a "Sci Fi" that challenged the "Big, Scary Monsters" typical Sci Fi plots of the time (although the 2nd pilot was pushed in that direction with the "big brain people" by the networks).
TOS was unreal because of the socio-political envelope it could push, one outside of "real world setting," the only way they could. They made political and racial statements in a way that could not be taken directly or censored. Especially the first interracial kiss on network, prime-time TV. About the only thing the studios got was yanking the female 1st officer (who became the nurse, and then Gene's wife in real life).
Also, no one wanted to fund TOS. Thank God for Desilu. It's a really interesting story. Even if you didn't care for TOS, you should read up on its
major impact from a socio-political standpoint.
As far as
Enterprise, that was writers fucking with the history. The history of the creation of the Federation was fairly well detailed. Unfortunately, they fucked it. They messed with all sorts of things. Hell, some of the latter movies did it too, like
First Contact. Oh well, too much variation from the full history that was long written before.
I'm going to go see the new movie. I'm getting old, but I'm still flexible enough to see things from a new perspective. I'll look for creativity. If I get "Gen Y's version of 90210 in space" (e.g.,
Stormship Troopers), I'll criticize it based on that. But if they actually introduce something new, different, unique and bring it together, then I'll be entertained.
If Hollywood's remakes and sequels are any indicator, I won't like this movie. They aren't creative. They aren't original. Haven't been in a long time. They take a similar storyline and apply it to characters. It's typically unoriginal. But I'm willing to give it a chance.