Arctic ice shrinks to all-time low; half 1980 size

Ace Bandage

The one and only.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Doesn't matter what evidence you can present; people will only believe that which they wish to.
^^ In what respect...?

Are you afraid of a flood?

No, I'm not afraid of a flood. However, any major ecological change, especially one of this magnitude, should give us pause. You can't ignore what's going on, and, regardless of the cause, this is going to have an impact on the global ecosystem. That much is undeniable. We have to live with these impacts.
I'm hearing id... A denial of the abiotic... :facepalm:

Don't take it personal, unfortunately all man seems to suffer the same malady... :angels:
I'm hearing id... A denial of the abiotic... :facepalm:

Don't take it personal, unfortunately all man seems to suffer the same malady... :angels:

I'm not denying the abiotic. I'm merely pointing out that there is a huge change in our ecology, and that's something to which we should pay attention.

That's arguable?
What of the impact on the animal life? On their feeding/breeding grounds? The fact that these animals are being driven to more populated areas, are dying out in some cases, and are being fundamentally changed because of their disappearance of their habitat?

That's not flood worry, but it is a legitimate ecological worry.

If you have none, it becomes incredibly clear... :enlightenment:

Concerning the animal bullshit, I refuse to be Fished... :facepalm:

If you have none, it becomes incredibly clear... :enlightenment:

Concerning the animal bullshit, I refuse to be Fished... :facepalm:

This isn't a fear issue. And what animal bullshit? Look it up, it's very easy to find. Look at the feeding grounds of the polar bears now, and compare it to fifteen years ago. The same can be said for many animals. The disappearing ice is having an impact, that much is not even up for debate. The fact that the ice is receding is, of course, going to change the ecosystem. Believe whatever you want regarding global warming, human impact, and all that bullshit. A fundamental change to an ecosystem is going to have trickle-down effects that will be felt everywhere.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Lurky, open your mind, I know we only have one planet, but what can be the harm of trying some major climate change experiments on it? Just relax and think of the short term profits which are well distributed throughout society towards good ends.


Official Checked Star Member
I think I would have enjoyed the Carboniferous/Triassic periods living so far south it must have been lovely and warm - but we drifted north, now look at us stuck between the continent and Ireland! I ask you what can we do about it?
This isn't a fear issue. And what animal bullshit? Look it up, it's very easy to find. Look at the feeding grounds of the polar bears now, and compare it to fifteen years ago. The same can be said for many animals. The disappearing ice is having an impact, that much is not even up for debate. The fact that the ice is receding is, of course, going to change the ecosystem. Believe whatever you want regarding global warming, human impact, and all that bullshit. A fundamental change to an ecosystem is going to have trickle-down effects that will be felt everywhere.

m'kay... It's not flood, it's polar bears...

Possibly a warranted fear, I've never met one outside of a zoo, but I'm pretty sure that given the chance they will eat you...

The Dastardly Polar Bear is certainly something that must be dealt with...


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I think I would have enjoyed the Carboniferous/Triassic periods living so far south it must have been lovely and warm - but we drifted north, now look at us stuck between the continent and Ireland! I ask you what can we do about it?
What can we do? Find out who's to blame! I blame the moderators! Lazy, stinking moderators who turn their big, crooked noses up at shellfish and pork! Damn them!
m'kay... It's not flood, it's polar bears...

Possibly a warranted fear, I've never met one outside of a zoo, but I'm pretty sure that given the chance they will eat you...

The Dastardly Polar Bear is certainly something that must be dealt with...
They say climate chaos killed the dinosaurs. Even if they're wrong, let me tell you something; massive ecological upheaval means massive upheaval in food production. Massive upheaval in food production means competition over limited food resources and loss of control.
That equals global holocaust - end of species. And that's assuming that we still manage to produce some food. There's no reason we should assume that.

In mass extinctions it's always species weighing over 10lbs that go. Think your safe because you can afford an apocolypse bunker? Really? Everything man-made breaks and the delicate life-support systems inside your bunker will even if it doesn't.
How is massive global climate change NOT a threat?
...They say climate chaos killed the dinosaurs. Even if they're wrong, let me tell you something; massive ecological upheaval means massive upheaval in food production. Massive upheaval in food production means competition over limited food resources and loss of control...

That's the point where bullets become money...

And also the point where I become rich... :D


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
You can't really be this moronic, itcouldbeme.