Apparently the Constitution Means Nothing to Some

Wow, that about all I can say.

What the hell happened?

He is unbeleivable.Not that Presidents in the past have not thought they were not bound by annoying things like the constituion or the bill of rights cause many have.But I have never seen them just flaunt their abuse of it and say things like this before.Its because he and Gonzalez just get away with it that makes them so bold.America has no one to blame but themselves for tolerating it.
Not that I have anything against changing laws whether they are written on a god damned piece of paper or not, but at least they could change them before breaking them.


what the fuck you lookin at?
No big surprise! Like I said somewhere else here. He uses the constitution to wipe his ass!
Not that I have anything against changing laws whether they are written on a god damned piece of paper or not, but at least they could change them before breaking them.

Why? :)



Someone recommended the book, "Worse than Watergate" by John Dean. Barely into it and it's very clear their goal from before 9/11 was to conceal their actions in a cloud of Presidential secrecy.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Someone recommended the book, "Worse than Watergate" by John Dean. Barely into it and it's very clear their goal from before 9/11 was to conceal their actions in a cloud of Presidential secrecy.

NOOOOOO...say it isn't so! :1orglaugh
Someone recommended the book, "Worse than Watergate" by John Dean. Barely into it and it's very clear their goal from before 9/11 was to conceal their actions in a cloud of Presidential secrecy.

That was me that mentioned it I think.I have not read it but have seen Dean talk about the current administration and I have thought Dean came off as very credible and would be someone who knows how these things work.I forget where but I read a long time ago that Bush came into Presidecy with a stradegy of disclosing as little as possible.They had a total distain for the media and think they are to be stonewalled as much as possible.They want total control of their message and actually would prefer to be just left alone and divulge as little as possibleThey have used 9/11 to justify major power grabs and intrusion into areas they never could have without that fear to intimidate any criticsm as being unpatriotic.Thats what Bush has been selling since 9/11 fear and have a tax cut if your upper income too just for good measure.The only slightly good news is the polls show its getting harder to sell.Let me know how the book is maybe I will have to actually read it instead of just bits and pieces of dean talking about it.
Unfortunately that's the way most politicians feel. Maybe Bush just doesn't care what the public thinks and flaunts it more, while somebody like Hillary Clinton would hide beneath a veneer of something that appears different when really she is little different. It used to be that Democrats were the ones that were worse with twisting it or ignoring it when it didn’t suit them. It's part of the reason they are called liberal, but anymore I think they are both equally as bad.
It used to be that Democrats were the ones that were worse with twisting it or ignoring it when it didn’t suit them. It's part of the reason they are called liberal, but anymore I think they are both equally as bad.

That definately seems to be the case here.
shayd; said:
That definately seems to be the case here.

This is the great fear and the great problem with a 2-party system. What are the people's options when both parties become stagnant, complacent, and equally corrupt?
This is the great fear and the great problem with a 2-party system. What are the people's options when both parties become stagnant, complacent, and equally corrupt?

Only option is to make the parties change with grass roots pressure.But on a national level its all about packaging,image and money.How else could someone like current president have been elected.
*Shrugs* Such is the fate of a country where ideology matters less than being willing to buy enough propaganda to spread the ideology. It matters not what you do, it's just kissing a few babies whether they are ugly as sin or not and saying things including the word "God" as often as is appropriate, what matters is that you get people to see you do it. You can't afford to divide your resources, so you'll end up with a right and a left and that's it (or as the case in the US, one right and one even more right). Any other party is too small to invest in as it'd just be throwing your money away.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
This is the great fear and the great problem with a 2-party system. What are the people's options when both parties become stagnant, complacent, and equally corrupt?




“When liberty comes with hands dabbled in blood it is hard to shake hands with her.” Wilde

“The more there are riots, the more repressive action will take place, and the more we face the danger of a right-wing takeover and eventually a fascist society.” MLK Jr
Revolution has a nasty habit of being cosmetic at best, replacing one bad government with another bad government. On the plus side, lots of people dead and destroyed infra-structure, so at least people (those that didn't die or lose, that is) feel like they accomplished something.


The What?
Nobody get me wrong, I vehemently hate Bush, but I question the validity of the story. It's not from a credible source and smells bogus.