Apartment BANS American Flags


I heard this on the news this morning while taking my son to day care and wated to share with everyone.


Ore.-- An apartment manager has banned tenants from flying or displaying any symbolic items, including the stars and stripes.

Jim Clausen, who rents from Oak Apartments in Albany,Oregon, was told to remove his flags from his vehicles or face possible eviction. Clausen was shocked that he was being told what to do with his personal property and that management was aiming for the national colors.

Management at Oak Apartments said it's part of their policy that helps protect them and their residents from any forms of hate. They added that if they allow one form of symbolism, they have to allow them all. Oak Apartments said they stand by their policy and they have no intention on changing the rules in the future.

Clausen and many other tenants said they will keep flying their flags because it is their way of honoring people in the armed forces.

I would tell the Management to sue me, this is total BS. I don;t care if your republican, democrat or 3rd party. The fact that this apartment complex is banning the American flag in the country that it represents is an fn joke. :2 cents:


Hiliary 2020
What can be said, just more bullshit.
Banning the flag in its own country.
The management should be drawn and quartered , have their heads stuck on a pike on the nearest bridge.

Will E Worm

You can't fly a flag? I guess the terrorists have won.

"Management at Oak Apartments said it's part of their policy that helps protect them and their residents from any forms of hate."

That is the worst excuse I've heard in awhile.

Is it okay to fly the Confederate flag at Oak Apartment? ;)

I don't know why someone from the South would want to live in Oregon. :tongue:


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
You can't fly a flag? I guess the terrorists have won.

"Management at Oak Apartments said it's part of their policy that helps protect them and their residents from any forms of hate."

That is the worst excuse I've heard in awhile.

Is it okay to fly the Confederate flag at Oak Apartment? ;)

I don't know why someone from the South would want to live in Oregon. :tongue:

It's not the terrorists. It's the minority. America is becoming so PC and sooooo afraind they might offend someone's delicate sensabilities American's can't even fly the symbol of their country anymore.

Hell, there's a school in NC who aren't allowed to wear clothes featuring the American Flag because two students wearing a flag, each from a different country, got into a fight.
Have the owner(s) of the building given the "OK" to the manager to do this? If they (the owners) think this is warranted then there's no room to argue. It's their property they can pass any rules they want.

But to ask someone to remove a flag from their own car is a bit much.
While I don't really care for the flag waving type of patriotism the apts seem to be going way to far telling him he can't have one on his car.On their apt bldg is their call but not his car IMO.

And the displaying of the confederate flag I think is exactly though the kind of flag they worry about being shown.It's a symbol of racial bias like it or not now.Southerners made it one when they in the 50s to protest the civil rights movement put it as part of their state flags.
I hope he kept his lease agreement. I would fight this tooth and nail if it's not in there.

Will E Worm

It's not the terrorists. It's the minority. America is becoming so PC and sooooo afraind they might offend someone's delicate sensabilities American's can't even fly the symbol of their country anymore.

Hell, there's a school in NC who aren't allowed to wear clothes featuring the American Flag because two students wearing a flag, each from a different country, got into a fight.

I know, people who act like this in a so-called "free" country need to leave.

WTF does this have to do with the thread?

Because I said:

"Is it okay to fly the Confederate flag at Oak Apartment?"



I know, people who act like this in a so-called "free" country need to leave.

Because I said:

"Is it okay to fly the Confederate flag at Oak Apartment?"


But no one was flying a CSA flag at the apartment so again how is this pernint to the thread:dunno:


Because it is a flag.

I was just speculating if it would be okay to fly another flag at the now
anti-American apartments.

Well see THAT made sence, you should of started with say ^. I doubt that the CSA would be acceptable though I mean if the American flag is offending someone I am sure the CSA flag would do the same. Now the Obama flag would be a OK with management.

I like how this guy thinks. Also what they mexicans have done is Illegal with the US Flag.
It sounds like this apartment complex is going to have a tough time upholding this ban. Since when is a car considered part of an apartment complex?

I might see the complex being able to outlaw all flags if they're hanging inside an apartment's window or something....

Aren't there enough American flags flying as it is? They are everywhere, even in Oregon...:dunno:

Will E Worm

I like how this guy thinks. Also what they mexicans have done is Illegal with the US Flag.

I know, someone sent that video to me and I have it on my hardrive.

It sounds like this apartment complex is going to have a tough time upholding this ban. Since when is a car considered part of an apartment complex?

I might see the complex being able to outlaw all flags if they're hanging inside an apartment's window or something....

Aren't there enough American flags flying as it is? They are everywhere, even in Oregon...:dunno:

Whether it is his car, home, or, his apartment this is America and it's anti-American to try to force your will on what people do on or with their personal property.

If people want to fly a flag they should fly a flag.

You can still fly your Confederate flag, Titsrock.

I mean you should. :D
I would cover every window with the American flag so the owners and tenants will have something to remind them about what country they do indeed live in.
Whether it is his car, home, or, his apartment this is America and it's anti-American to try to force your will on what people do on or with their personal property.

That's not exactly true. Apartment complexes outlaw all sorts of things from pets and BBQs to gun ownership. You're also not allowed to disregard noise and cleanliness regulations...

What you do inside and out-of-sight is another matter. But what you do in plain view does have to conform to the complex's policies...


That's not exactly true. Apartment complexes outlaw all sorts of things from pets and BBQs to gun ownership. You're also not allowed to disregard noise and cleanliness regulations...

What you do inside and out-of-sight is another matter. But what you do in plain view does have to conform to the complex's policies...

That's true. management said there was a policy that bnas flags and sport flags, BUT the apartment complex has a flag that advertises 1 and 2 bedroom places, seems hypocritical to me.