I heard this on the news this morning while taking my son to day care and wated to share with everyone.
I would tell the Management to sue me, this is total BS. I don;t care if your republican, democrat or 3rd party. The fact that this apartment complex is banning the American flag in the country that it represents is an fn joke. :2 cents:
Ore.-- An apartment manager has banned tenants from flying or displaying any symbolic items, including the stars and stripes.
Jim Clausen, who rents from Oak Apartments in Albany,Oregon, was told to remove his flags from his vehicles or face possible eviction. Clausen was shocked that he was being told what to do with his personal property and that management was aiming for the national colors.
Management at Oak Apartments said it's part of their policy that helps protect them and their residents from any forms of hate. They added that if they allow one form of symbolism, they have to allow them all. Oak Apartments said they stand by their policy and they have no intention on changing the rules in the future.
Clausen and many other tenants said they will keep flying their flags because it is their way of honoring people in the armed forces.
I would tell the Management to sue me, this is total BS. I don;t care if your republican, democrat or 3rd party. The fact that this apartment complex is banning the American flag in the country that it represents is an fn joke. :2 cents: