Anyone seen 'Saw'? (if not, dont ruin a topnotch film by reading this thread)

I saw 'saw' a couple of days ago! I love it - I was compleatly hooked by everything that heppened in it!

I didnt see the twist at the end coming at all! I was scared shitless when the bloke got up! did anyone see it coming? What did you think of Saw?

Yeah I agree the ending was so out of the blue - even with that bit at the start!

Do you think a follow up (Sawn?) would happen? I'd love it so much!
What r u guys talking about!? "Saw" was a TERRIBLE movie! Bad script, bad acting, etc. If you liked this movie, you probably also liked "The Fast and the Furious", "Rollerball", and "Gigli".
I loved SAW. It is one of the scariest, and most psychologically messed up movies I have seen in a long time. I thought there were a lot of original ideas in it, and I can't wait until the second one comes out because like any true horror movie, the bad guy never dies. That's what makes it scary.

WaReZnIkKi, please don't generalize. Everyone (including you) is entitled to their opinions. Nobody is insulting your tastes so don't insult ours.
I liked the way 7evern had similar scenerios but didnt really go into them, but Saw did. I can't see how anyone didnt like, but I respect their decision....
I liked was shot in something like 6 days and I think that's pretty damn amazing. I can't wait until the second one comes out. I'm also anxious to see The Ring 2
saw was cool, i loved the ending
@foxy, never was a fan of the ring 1, so im not really anxious to see the ring 2 but it has the potential to be a good movie, but i forsee a crappy sequel to the ring, i think the general idea is now dry


foxycougar said:
I liked was shot in something like 6 days and I think that's pretty damn amazing. I can't wait until the second one comes out. I'm also anxious to see The Ring 2
Ring2 is better than the 1st, IMO, i love the ending to it, sends a shiver down my spine every time i see it
I wasn't a massive fan of Ring2 but I'll prob watch the american version. Wouldn't waste your time with Ring0 though - that was pretty diabolical until the last 10 minutes!
Ive seen the remake of the ring, but not the Japanese original.

I've downloaded but havent got round to watching it yet - is it better or worse than the remake?


REMAKE = big pile of shash!!!
i'll never watch a remake of any film, whats the point especially some american shash remake of a japanese classic
Summer said:
REMAKE = big pile of shash!!!
i'll never watch a remake of any film, whats the point especially some american shash remake of a japanese classic

I completely agree. I fucking hate this remake craze we're in right now. Bad filmmakers shitting on the reputation of classic horror movies. I have pity for any young viewers going to see these movies before the originals. If the Evil Dead remake is released(and it probably will be) I will completely give up on hollywood and turn to Euope for some far superior entertainment.

By the way SAW fucking rocked me hard!!


I've just came back from the cinema's and what comes up on the previews "amityville horror" another remake whats up can they not come up wit anything new, they gotta make more shash remakes....leave it as it is!!!! fuks sake

Mr Miyagi

foxycougar said:
I liked was shot in something like 6 days and I think that's pretty damn amazing. I can't wait until the second one comes out. I'm also anxious to see The Ring 2

Foxy...have you seen the 3 original Japanese Ring movies ?

If not they are well worth getting your hands on. Much better than the American mess.

edit: sorry to the posters above. I got as far as Foxy's post and did not bother reading the rest of the thread.

Typical! I am a lazy bastard !
Yes, I saw them not too long ago (we have a video store in town that specializes in foreign and cult movies). They were pretty good, I admit. I did like them better than the remake.