anyone play WOW?

Its cool lol. I am a noob at WoW. Only been playing a few months lol.
your lock is very sexy lol...i play a shaman unfortunately i never got 25 LK down /shrug oh well

but yea its very very time consuming to actually be able to get stuff done -_-
I love locks, I just suck at playing anything that can't tank. Currently playing a blood elf pally, but rerolled a troll druid which I will use to explore all of the changes.

I got burnt out on the hard core raiding during Ulduar while I was tanking with my DK. I now raid on a more casual basis, I still haven't taken the LK down mostly because my current guild really isn't into raiding soon to be old content. I might have to try and hook up with a pug group and get my Kingslayer title.
i've been playing for the last 6 months or so. got recruited. playing ret paladin. i dig the changes. makes ya have to play differently thats for sure haha. haven't done any raiding at all because it's damn near impossible for me to find a group with my schedule. all raids i've seen so far always take place from 6-11pm on thurs,tue,fri, and saturday unfortunately i work allll thoses's sad
@up: reroll pala nao :D

I played warrior, hunt, a bit with a mage and shaman. However only on pirate servers so i have no fcking idea what a blizzlike gameplay looks like.

Eve Cates

Official Checked Star Member
I down LK 10 and 25 a several times with my last guild. The fight isn't that hard but there's always a n00b that drops a defiled right in the middle of the raid.
i was hit by deathwing in wetlands like last week while i was AFK lol

i came back and was spammed by whispers "OMG WHERE DID YOU GET THAT"

lol AFK FTW!!!
I down LK 10 and 25 a several times with my last guild. The fight isn't that hard but there's always a n00b that drops a defiled right in the middle of the raid.

yes there was one special paladin that messed it up sooo many times for us becuase "he didnt think it was important to move and not heal"