Anyone On Here Use Prostitiutes On A Regular Basis?

When i go to a whore, its just sex, thats all. With an affair, a sustained reletionship with just one person, an emotional attachment would develop, which would have a negative impact on my reletionship with my girlfriend. Hope that makes at least some sense

So as long as there is no emotional attachment it is ok? But you still won't tell your girlfriend you are fucking other women? She shouldn't have a problem because you aren't emotionally attached. amirite?
So as long as there is no emotional attachment it is ok? But you still won't tell your girlfriend you are fucking other women? She shouldn't have a problem because you aren't emotionally attached. amirite?

Obviously she would have a problem, im not going to deny that. I was just trying to give my justification for it, no matter how unbelievable or heartless it sounds. Believe me, i doubt very highly that im ever going to hav a conversation with my girlfriend with the sentence 'oh you know when im away, i fuck at least 2 whores a week'
Just hope you have a good explanation to your woman that you say you love when she wonders where that nasty STD she has came from. :D

Was going to say that the first time I saw this thread. What are you going to say when she thinks its her fault and blames herself. Or questions your relationship with her.

Personally I think that its disgusting what your doing to someone you LOVE. Ya.. your not having an affair and your not looking for another relationship, but your secretly going behind her back and fucking "whores". And you "get away with it pretty easily"... wow...

I'm in a happy reletionship with my girlfriend

I have a feeling if and when your so called girlfriend finds out she is going to disagree with that comment.

Also, probably a good idea to get yourself check out asap.
I agree with gameboy, what you are doing is discusting. I could never ever do something like that to my girlfriend. Even if I had a thought of doing something behind her back, which I never have. I wouldnt be able to stop thinking about her, and that would surely turn me away from it. Believe me, if you are in love with this girl, you shouldnt even want to do anything with anyone else.
Was going to say that the first time I saw this thread. What are you going to say when she thinks its her fault and blames herself. Or questions your relationship with her.

Personally I think that its disgusting what your doing to someone you LOVE. Ya.. your not having an affair and your not looking for another relationship, but your secretly going behind her back and fucking "whores". And you "get away with it pretty easily"... wow...

I have a feeling if and when your so called girlfriend finds out she is going to disagree with that comment.

Also, probably a good idea to get yourself check out asap.

Just so youre not worrying, i get myself checked out pretty regular, and i always use protection when i use a whore, meaing ive never caught anything, which is pretty lucky when i think about how many dirty sluts iv stuck my dick in!
With an affair, a sustained reletionship with just one person, an emotional attachment would develop, which would have a negative impact on my reletionship with my girlfriend. Hope that makes at least some sense

Tell your girlfriend that you've been having regular sex with prostitutes...I bet that has a negative impact on your relationship with her too...:dunno:
i must spend at least £250 a week on whores.


That seems like a ton of $$$...........every week?...
Nah, that's money lost, I have never (and would never) have indulged in whores. When I speak to my cock, it says "No", and I truly feel No, such a massive turn-off for me.

It's much more exciting getting it for free, truly is. Why pay???
If your not married, go for it. You only live once.
But, 250 a week? what the fuck do you do for a living?
Never used them don't think I'd waste money on that, as for your relationship what I think about that game boy has already said

as said what do you do for a living?

and if your so in to getting off why not just rub one out or buy a flesh light and save the hassel of going behind the one you loves back and fucking other people
Never used them don't think I'd waste money on that, as for your relationship what I think about that game boy has already said

as said what do you do for a living?

and if your so in to getting off why not just rub one out or buy a flesh light and save the hassel of going behind the one you loves back and fucking other people

I'm a freelance management consultant, meaning i move around the country on a regular basis for work. With the country in the shape it is, work is booming at the minute, with everyone wanting their businesses to survive the recession.

Never seen the appeal of using a fleshlight and to be honest i dont think i could cum using one. Much prefer the real thing. And with most whores, if you pay enough, you can do pretty much anything you want with them...
Confessions of a businessman eh?? At least by putting it on here,you
wont need to feel guilty when you get home ;)

Could be worse though, I could be an MP!

If your not married, go for it. You only live once.
But, 250 a week? what the fuck do you do for a living?

And at least someone on here isnt trying to lynch me for it! The reason it's 250 at least is that sometimes i have two whores at once, or want anal, or want to be rough with them...It all adds up!


Is somewhere outhere.
Could be worse though, I could be an MP!! True.So very true.

And at least someone on here isnt trying to lynch me for it! The reason it's 250 at least is that sometimes i have two whores at once, or want anal, or want to be rough with them...It all adds up!

I guess it does when you need specifics.Well if it's any consolation,I'm going to Poland this
weekend.So there may be some underground action going down :D True.So very true.

I guess it does when you need specifics.Well if it's any consolation,I'm going to Poland this
weekend.So there may be some underground action going down :D

I'm sure you'll find something, and for a lot less than i have to pay, lucky bastard!!

I have to say, i think i use whores as some sort of stress reliever if im honest. Theres nothing better than finishing an awful day at work, finding a whore and fucking the shit out of her. Usually find that face fucking a slut really works! Especially when you can lean their head over the edge of the bed and just pound away...

Actually, got a day off today...think i might go and do just that!

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I'm in a happy reletionship with my girlfriend, but a couple of times a week (at least) i'll pay for it n fuck a whore. I work away a lot through the week, so that means i can get away with it pretty easily. I normally just go to a sauna or massage place and use one of the girls there or use one of the punter forums to find a specific slut or one who will do what im looking for. I do love my girlfriend but i must spend at least £250 a week on whores. Does anyone else use them this regular or is it just me? :rofl:


Do you go for exotic girls (Asian, Black, Indian, Spanish, Russian, etc.) that you otherwise wouldn't get to sleep with, is it getting to do stuff your girl can't or won't do (anal, deepthroat, S&M, etc.) or is it just the thrill of walking on the wild side?

Just curious.