Born and raised there, but do not live there anymore. This is a real good thing right now, but I'm gonna cry real tears when the Taste of Chicago and PR Parade rolls around.
Born and raised there, but do not live there anymore. This is a real good thing right now, but I'm gonna cry real tears when the Taste of Chicago and PR Parade rolls around.
I wouldn't cry for the Taste because there's talk about privatizing it and charging an admission fee. Nothing has been finalized though as Daley rejected the sole bid to privatize the event but I wouldn't be shocked if in the near future an admission fee is put in place
I wouldn't cry for the Taste because there's talk about privatizing it and charging an admission fee. Nothing has been finalized though as Daley rejected the sole bid to privatize the event but I wouldn't be shocked if in the near future an admission fee is put in place